Diabetic Living Australia — July-August 2017

(avery) #1

82 JULY/AUGUST 2017 diabetic living

“Don’t judge the success of your lifestyle changes
by the number when you weigh yourself,” says
Christine Armarego. Instead, focus on the
positives, like Armarego’s 80-year-old
friend who goes for an ocean swim
every day. “I asked her if the water
was cold and she said, ‘It doesn’t
matter. At my age you get in
just to be sure you can still get
in’. “ Wise words! And while a
five per cent loss in body weight
can positively impact BGLs,
there are these benefits, too.
● Greater cardiovascular fitness
● Improved bone mineral density
● Better strength and muscle mass
● Boosted energy levels and mood

Health and fitness aren’t all about the scales

Move it If work requires you
to sit, aim to take a walking
break every 20-30 minutes.
Stretch it Get into the habit
of doing stretches throughout
the day. Start when you get
out of bed. In the evening,
use a foam roller to ease tight
muscles, and be sure to stretch
before and after exercise.
Break a sweat Add cardio
exercises to increase your
heart and lung fitness. Get
the heart pumping through
walking, running, swimming,
cycling or dancing.
Reduce stress Try yoga.
It’s a lower impact activity
that’s shown to relieve anxiety.
Get fired up Serious about
weight loss? The most effective
method is a combination of
diet, high- and low-intensity
cardio and full-body resistance
training. Work with an
accredited exercise
physiologist or qualified
and experienced
personal trainer.
Listen well An
injury can derail
your fitness plans
so listen to your
body. If you feel
pain, stop. Allow
time for recovery and
if soreness persists,
see your GP.
Increase the joy The
best exercise is the one
you enjoy. If you love

Work it out

walking, keep doing it, but set
yourself challenges – longer
walks, steeper hills, or add in
short sprints. Tired of walking?
Get creative – think kayaking,
indoor rock climbing, Zumba
or snorkelling. Mixing it up will
help keep boredom at bay. Even
better, get your friends involved

  • exercising with other people is
    a great way to keep motivated.

Note: Check with your GP or endocrinologist
before starting a new exercise regimen as
insulin and medications may be affected.


If you’re inspired to get physical, adopt
some of these healthy habits
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