Diabetic Living Australia — July-August 2017

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diabetic living JULY/AUGUST 2017 91


be your own

best friend

Be patient
When you feel deflated
because you’re not making
changes fast enough, look at
the bigger picture. Is your goal
realistic? If not, break it into
smaller, achievable chunks.
Forgive hiccups
Life can throw you a curve ball
and stumbles are normal. If
you feel like you’ve let yourself
down, simply get back on
course the very next day.
Face your feelings
If your mood is not great all
the time, this is normal, and
most often these feelings will
pass. If they don’t, talk issues
through with a friend
or seek counselling.
Get the giggles
Laughter triggers feel-good
hormones so opt to see the
funny side of things. Try
watching a comedy or a movie
that guarantees a belly laugh.
Reward yourself
When you’ve achieved a goal,
treat yourself with a pleasurable
experience, such as a massage
or manicure. This helps keep
you motivated. ■
Cultivating kindness can help
you manage your life
feeling down, phone
a friend who has
diabetes. They’ll
understand you can
struggle with your
self care. Don’t know
anyone? Turn to
page 114 and learn
about peer support.
people are likely to experience
depression. Diabetes increases
your risk, so if you’re feeling
overwhelmed, see your GP

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