Prevention Australia – June – July 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1





3 e ective ways

to avoid burnout


Find purpose in daily activities. “When
you’re motivated to do something
because you i nd it meaningful, you’re more
energetic and engaged than when you’re
doing it only because you have to,” says
Britt. To shit your mind-set, ask yourself: “What
contribution is my ef ort making to my family
or workplace?”


Surround yourself with positive people.
They’re the ones who encourage you
to grow, listen to you, make you laugh, and
want what’s best for you.


Consider the good things in your life,
even if they’re small. Your pet’s greeting,
a colourful sunset, a message from a friend.
Research shows that appreciation not only
reduces stress but may also boost your ability
to weather energy-draining setbacks.

Standing side lean
(a) Stand tall with feet hip-distance apart and
thigh muscles engaged. Sweep arms to the sky
and interlace fi ngers except index and thumb.
Hug arms toward ears.
(b) On an inhale, press feet to fl oor, stretch up and
right. Let breath infl ate left side ribs. On an exhale,
draw belly in, press feet down, return to centre.
Repeat left side. Stretch to each side 4 times.

These poses will refresh your mind
and restore l agging energy by getting
oxygen l owing, improving your posture,
and opening up your chest and the
sides of your body.

3 yoga poses to

charge up your brain

Standing sun breath
(a) Stand tall with feet
hip-distance apart and thigh
muscles engaged. Let arms
dangle at sides.
(b) On an inhale, gradually
sweep arms out and up to sky
until palms meet above head.
(c) On an exhale, lower
hands to chest. Repeat pose
for 10 breaths.

Standing chest opener
(a) Stand with feet hip-distance apart, thigh
muscles engaged, and interlace fi ngers behind
lower back. (If that’s uncomfortable, hold a strap
or belt behind your back with your hands as close
together as comfortably possible.)
(b) Stretch and expand chest and shoulders by
contracting back muscles. Keep neck relaxed.
Imagine collarbones rolling back to look up to sky.
(c) Enjoy 3 long breaths in this position, release. 


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