Prevention Australia – June – July 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


Research shows that
even mild dehydration
can make you feel
fatigued. So aim for about
eight glasses of water
a day (unsweetened
beverages like tea
count, too).



ur brains cycle naturally through levels
of high-to-low alertness every 90 minutes, so go for
a walk, make yourself a cup of tea, or simply watch a
funny clip on YouTube – anything you find relaxing that
doesn’t tap your thinking ability – mid-morning and afternoon.
Equally important: resolve to leave work behind at night.
“The resources we have to tackle projects get used up during
the day, so we need to take advantage of of-hours to restore our
energy,” says Professor Britt. Engaging in low-efort activities
(such as watching TV or reading) after work is associated with an
increased sense of vigour, wellbeing, and positive mood both at
night and the next morning. Those restorative activities need to be
part of your daily routine as much as the chores on your to-do list.
By prioritising yourself this way, you’ll soon rediscover
your sense of energy and vitality.

Take time to recharge

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