Prevention Australia – June – July 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Editor’s letter

There’s a funny scene in a popular movie
doing the rounds at the moment of a group
at a laughter workshop: the participants are
so serious as they go about practising their
deep belly laughs, which makes it both funny
and poignant. If only we could generate real
happiness by faking a laugh. (If you can,
congratulations!) But to many of us,
happiness can be a more elusive thing.
Perhaps you have tried to capture it by
revisiting the scene of a happy moment; a
memorable dinner, or a destination where
you had a fantastic holiday.
Of course, true happiness is more than
a fleeting good time. And as we enter our
midlives it’s possible that our notion of
happiness shifts a gear. We’ve either
accomplished – or let go of – some of the
things that we thought would get us there: a
home of our own; a growing family; a career.
So now, finding ourselves at this midway
place, the landscape around us is diferent.
When I spoke to this month’s cover star
Amanda Keller, she talked about how she
has arrived at a point where she is asking
herself, ‘What do I need to be happy?’ Or, as
she put it: “What do I require to function to
my potential? Not to meet everyone else’s
expectations, but mine.”
Perhaps that question resonates with you.
This month’s issue is dedicated to the many
things that help to build happiness. For
example, we’ve drilled deep into what you
can do to boost your energy with a 10-page
special packed with useful tips to enhance


Finding your path

to happiness

your physical energy, together with smart
ways you can restore a feeling of inner
calm and balance. We also have a special
report on sleep, uncovering the key reasons
Aussies get a bad night’s sleep. (If you’re a
chronically bad sleeper, you’ll know how
getting a good night of zzzs transforms the
world into a truly happier place!)
And we profile three inspiring women
who’ve successfully launched their own
businesses in midlife. Being entirely
independent in their professional lives
has been key to them finding personal
satisfaction in so many other ways.
Plus do try this month’s delicious,
healthy meals designed to nourish your
soul and boost your vitality.
Feeling great from within is key to
framing a happy view of the world around
us. At Prevention, we’re here to help you
love your whole life!

Michelle Albert,
who you’ll meet
on page 82, is a
brave woman.
Her story is that
of many women
who are juggling
a busy life – kids,
career, family
and friends.
Then the codeine
tablets she used
to relieve her
became a way of
simply getting
through the day.
At one point,
Michelle was
taking 50
codeine tablets a
day. The number
of women
seeking relief in a
packet of pills or
a bottle of wine
is a growing
health concern.
Michelle had the
courage to quit
and to speak
out. Do read
her story.
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