Prevention Australia – June – July 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

IBS can be quite painful (as
well as being embarrassing), so
medicine may be needed when
symptoms appear. This may
include pain-relievers, anti-
diarrhoeal or constipation
treatments and antispasmodic
medication to ease cramping.
Antidepressants may be an
option as they can help calm
overactive nerves and ease
pain, but their use does not
necessarily mean that IBS
is caused by depression.

Populating the gut with
probiotics can help keep
bad bacteria in check.
Preliminary studies show
probiotics significantly
improved symptoms in
people with all types of
IBS. Some yoghurts and
dairy drinks contain some
forms of probiotics, and these
may help ease symptoms. You
can also buy over-the-counter
probiotic supplements.

Menthol and methyl salicylate, the
main ingredients of peppermint,
have antispasmodic efects and so
can help calm the digestive tract.
Use enteric-coated capsules with a

covering that keeps the oil from
being released in the stomach,
where it can trigger heartburn.

Surprising solutions

Stress has long been thought to
make IBS symptoms worse, so
practices such as yoga and
meditation, as well as walking can
be helpful. Though experts aren’t
sure how stress and IBS connect,
they say that when we’re stressed,
our bodies are in a chronic state of
alertness which may alter nerve
signalling between the brain and
bowels so we register pain more
intensely, or trigger hormone
changes that afect the gut.

Researchers have found some IBS
patients who experience diarrhoea
have increased numbers of
histamine-producing intestinal
mast cells. Histamine, a compound
responsible for allergic reactions,
can also sensitise a pain receptor in
the gut. A Belgian study found that
patients who took an antihistamine
for 12 weeks had fewer symptoms
than those in a control group.

Researchers are working on two
potential options: prosecretory
agents, which increase movement
through the large bowel, and may
help IBS suferers whose main issue
is constipation; and bile acid
modulators which studies suggest
will help those with diarrhoea.

There are no medications that ‘cure’ IBS, just relieve
symptoms. Some promising treatments which targeted
the brain’s pain pathways have been found to have side
effects and are not licensed in Australia. Meantime, if you
think you have IBS, it’s best to see a doctor who can rule
out other possible causes of altered bowel habits.




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