Prevention Australia – June – July 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Add a resistance band to

your stretch routine and

you’ll start to feel your

deepest muscles engage

without placing a lot of

stress on your joints.


Stand with your arms hanging in front of your
thighs, holding a resistance band between your
hands, which are slightly more than shoulder width
apart. Keeping your arms straight, raise your arms
in an arc overhead and back behind you. Pause,
then slowly reverse the movement to a starting
position. Continue for 30 seconds.


Stand about 60cm away from a wall, facing it
in a staggered stance, one foot in front of the
other. Keeping your back heel down, place your
hands on the wall and lean against it. Hold
for 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.
Stretch each leg twice.


Lie on your back with your knees bent and
your feet lat on the loor, holding one end of a
resistance band in each hand. Draw one knee
toward your chest and place the middle of the
strap around the arch of your foot. Extend your leg
toward the ceiling, holding for 30 seconds. Repeat
with the other leg. Stretch each leg twice.

Home stretch

Short on time? These ive exercises are all it takes to stay lex-
ible – and all you need is 10 minutes three times a week



hen you’re crunched for time,
stretching is often the first part of
your workout that gets discarded.
Then months after ignoring your
hamstrings, you bend over to tie your shoes and
your feet suddenly seem miles away. The good
news: you can loosen up, increase your flexibility,
and maximise your mobility by building up to
10 minutes of stretching a few times a week. Not
only will it feel great – and help you move through
life with more ease – you’ll be less likely to need
that ibuprofen. When men and women with
chronic lower back pain stretched at home at least
three times a week, they reported a significant
decrease in pain levels in just 12 weeks, according
to a study published in the Archives of Internal
Medicine. Plus, it’s a major stress reliever.
Here are a few stretches to get you started.


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