Prevention Australia – June – July 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1





“Eating balanced meals at regular intervals keeps
your fuel tank topped up,” says Prevention’s accredited
practising dietitian Karissa Woolfe.
“Filling half your plate with vegetables and a quarter
of your plate with lean protein and another quarter with
high-fibre grains, helps you feel fuller for longer, as well
being sources of energy-boosting iron and B vitamins.”
Sugary snacks or drinks might give you an instant
“quick fix” but it doesn’t last and you’ll soon find yourself
hungry again, looking for another pick-me-up.
“Find your mojo with these meal and snack ideas to fuel
your day right instead,” she says.

Think of your physical energy as the basic building
block, providing the foundation for all the other
dimensions that keep you going. If your physical needs
are not being met – say, you’re hungry or tired or you
haven’t moved your body in a while – then you’re
simply not going to function at your best. Nourishing
food is one of the best ways to build up your stamina.



for action

Begin your day with a
combination of protein,
healthy fats and ibre.


  • ½ cup baked beans,
    or two poached eggs
    with a grainy slice of
    toast and avocado

  • A smoothie with
    ½ cup low-fat milk,
    1⁄ cup rolled oats,
    sprinkle of chia seeds
    and berries

  • 1 cup reduced-fat
    Greek-style yoghurt
    with half a banana

If you’re having a
frantic moment, a
few minutes of
focused breathing
can counteract the
draining efects of
stress. By slowing
your breathing from
the usual 12 to 20
breaths per minute
to 5 or 6, you bring
more energy-
boosting oxygen to
your cells and trigger
the relaxing
branch of the
nervous system, says
Patricia Gerbarg,
co-author of The
Healing Power of the
Breath. The result:
instant calm. Just
close your eyes and
deepen your breath,
inhaling for
6 seconds and
exhaling for
6 seconds. Continue
for 3 minutes.



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