Prevention Australia – June – July 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
Packing a punch
The power of this smoothie comes from anti-
oxidant-rich coriander and parsley. And if that’s
not enough, both bananas and chia seeds are
digested slowly by the body, ofering sustained
energy. Add to that the decent serve of iron
from the spinach and you have a great combo.

Blend on high for 30 to 60 seconds:
2 cups pineapple, 1½ cups coconut water,
1 cup irmly packed baby spinach,
½ cup coriander, ½ cup parsley, ¼ cup
fresh lime juice, 1 tablespoon chia seeds,
1 teaspoon inely grated lime zest and
1 medium sliced banana

Nutrition (per serving) 900 kJ/215 cal.
Protein 7g. Total fat 3.7g. Sat fat 1g.
Carbs 36g. Sugars 31g. Fibre 9.7g.
Sodium 72mg. Iron 4.3mg.

No time to sit down? This ibre-packed smoothie is
a meal in a glass and perfect to drink on-the-run





Step it up with a brisk walk
Although it seems counterintuitive, getting up and moving when you hit
that midday slump is often the best way to recharge. Research published
in the journal Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior concluded that
a brisk 20-minute walk provides an energy lift for up to three hours. “As
you move, you’re supplying your brain and body with revitalising oxygen
and triggering the release of uplifting brain chemicals, like endorphins
and dopamine,” says cardiologist Dr David Sabgir.
Plus, the more you move, the more energy you’ll have to stay active.
Studies show that cardiovascular exercise increases the production of
mitochondria, the tiny energy-generating structures within cells that
convert food to energy, helping you walk farther faster.
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