Reader's Digest

(avery) #1
July• 2018 | 93


gang. Wolfgang admitted 14 forger-
ies worth US$40 million and was
jailed for six years. His wife Helene
53 got four years her 54-year-old
sister a 21-month suspended sen-
tence and Shulte-Kellinghaus
ve years. They were
o ordered to pay
millions of dollars in
Eastaugh who
has since analysed
eight more Beltrac-
chis and grown to
ecognise his style
mains on the lookout
ore of the fraudster’s
paintings which are
undoubtedly still hang-
ing in art galleries and
museums around the
world. “We’re joined at the hip now”
Eastaugh says with a smile.

SINCE HIS RELEASE from prison in
2015 Beltracchi has staged many solo
exhibitions and is regarded as a ine
artist in his own right. Now his own
signature appears on his work.

ultraviolet lights but it was his exten-
sive knowledge of pigmentation that
brought the Beltracchis down.
Using an electron magniscope he
discovered that the master forger had
made a rookie error by using
two historically inapp
priate colours the mos
damning of which
was a titanium diox-
ide white; a pigment
which wasn’t widely
available in 1914
when the painting
was dated. “White tita-
nium wasn’t introduce
until after 1916” s
Eastaugh. “he diference
was only two years but
there was no getting away
from it. I knew I had him.”
Beltracchi’s scheme began to un-
ravel and the couple was arrested
by armed German police in August
2010 and went to court the follow-
ing year. he case was cut short after
nine days of the expected two month-
long trial when German prosecutors
made a plea-bargain deal with the

Nicolaus Eastaugh
examines a painting

tence and
67 fiv
a ls


by using

s a y s


With alleged sightings of yowies – mythological ape-like
creatures found in the Australian outback dating back to the
late 1800s Kilcoy a small Queensland community recently
revamped the tourist drawcard with a new fibreglass statue
to the lumbering beastie. Locals hope to attract hunters and
fans of Australia’s version of Bigfoot. WWW.ABC.NET.AU
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