Australian Motorcyclist – June 2017

(Grace) #1


November to December. 15 days.
Includes Sukothai, Chiang Rai, Golden
Triangle, Road of 1846 Curves, Long
Neck Hill Tribe. More information
from [email protected].
I don’t have a huge amount of
information about this tour, but I
do know, from personal experience,
that Adriatic is a reliable and original
company. I’ve travelled with them in
Europe and they did a top job. Since
this tour is relatively close to home,
and covers places that are dear to
Australian motorcyclists’ hearts (like
the Road of 1846 Curves), I thought
it was worth a mention. Let me know
what it’s like if you do it. Who knows,
you might even see me on it!


June/July. 15 nights. Skill,
Compass Grade 4 (see http://www. for an
explanation). Accommodation, 5
nights in hotels, 6 nights in ger
camps, 3 nights wild camping.
A$6990. Compass has negotiated
a 10% discount with various
insurance providers.
Adding to its many other tours,
including the South American one
I covered and enjoyed a few years


ago, Compass Expeditions has
announced its latest unique riding
destination, Mongolia.
most exciting, remote and rarely
visited regions left on earth, its true
last frontier stuff ”, says Compass
Expeditions director Mick McDonald,
“Mongolia is always a standout
highlight for our riders on the epic
105-day Road of Bones Expedition,”
continues Mick.
Mongolia has one of the last
surviving nomadic societies left
on earth with over 50% of the
population still living a nomadic
lifestyle totally dependent on the
remote summer pastures; riding
Mongolia perhaps offers riders the
last glimmer of total riding freedom
on earth and a wonderful disconnect
from our manic world.
Compass Expeditions has thorough
knowledge of Mongolia and is
offering a 14-day all-inclusive ride of
this stunning landscape of towering
mountains, crystal clear lakes, vast

Lunch on one of
Adriatic Moto Tours’,
er, Adriatic tours.
Don’t be put off by
the third bloke from
the front on the left,
in the Akrapovic
t-shirt; he’s harmless.
Too old to be
anything else...

open grasslands dotted with ger
camps and Buddhist monasteries.
our tours motorcycle adventures
are designed to combine excitement
with a unique cultural experience
and the time to properly take in your
surroundings. Because we take you
to some of the most spectacular
and interesting destinations on the
planet, we want to ensure you don’t
just experience them as a hazy blur.
That’s why our motorcycle adventure
touring effectively combines
adventure with an appreciation and
respect for the culture and beauty of
the places we visit.”
For more details on this rare
opportunity to ride this “last frontier”
in 2018 please contact info@ or call
Includes 14 breakfasts, 10 lunches
and dinners. Does not include
everything else is covered. D

Ger out of it! Yes, you’ll
get a chance to stay in
these unique Mongolian
homes before every
hipster in Australia builds
one in their parents’ back
yard because it’s ‘cool’.
Free download pdf