Australian Science Illustrated – Issue 51 2017 | 21 When Did Humans Begin to Use Cosmetics? How early were humans familiar with cosmetics, and what m ...
22 | SCIENCE ILLUSTRATED ASK US 390,900 species How many plant species exist? The plants on Earth are primarily flowering plants ... | 23 Laser steals heat By illuminating a nanocrystal with an infrared laser, American scientists have ...
Most dwarfs orbit far from the Sun All dwarf planets except one are located in the Kuiper Belt on the other side of the most rem ... | 25 A few years ago, Pluto and Ceres were the only known dwarf planets in the Solar System. Now, astr ...
26 | SCIENCE ILLUSTRATED H undreds of times further away from the Sun than our own Earth, the Solar System is surrounded by a be ...
becoming larger, but scientists are still not sure why some objects accumulated all the material in their orbits to become plane ...
Motion reveals new dwarf planets Just like other recently discovered worlds, the new potential dwarf planet DeeDee was found by ...
The extended family of Solar System objects Astronomers classify all objects of the Solar System according to size, make-up, and ...
A small particle detector has brought the world’s largest scientific machine to its knees. At a fraction of the cost, a small te ... | 31 For 30 years, scientists have been convinced that four fundamental forces explain the universe, b ...
32 | SCIENCE ILLUSTRATED I n 2012, a small team of Hungarian physicists were ecstatic. A simple experiment had provided them wit ...
billions of dollars annually, but so far, no results have been produced. However, it now looks as if the LHC and other prestigio ...
34 | SCIENCE ILLUSTRATED Scientists have discovered an unknown particle by firing a beam of protons at lithium foil. The new par ...
If the deviation were due to carrier particles of a dark force of nature, it would be an indirect proof of the existence of dark ...
38 | SCIENCE ILLUSTRATED A cross section of the four-week-old embryo heart shows that the heart is made up of both pig cells (bl ...
Biologists Juan Carlos Belmonte and Jun Wu headed the ground-breaking experiment. 4 The embryo is implanted into the womb of an ...
40 | SCIENCE ILLUSTRATED Scientists test pig organs in monkeys and humans Scientists are already experimenting with altering pig ...
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