Only in Australia The History, Politics, and Economics of Australian Exceptionalism

(avery) #1

context. These words have a beguiling simplicity but they have been the cloak
for much standardization, homogenization, and uniformity.
The crucial task, in revival of Australia’s Federation, thus lies in releasing it
from the bureaucratic constraints which have increasingly enveloped it in the
decades after the Second World War.


Bagehot, W. 1867.The English Constitution.London: Chapman Hall.
Crisp, L. F. 1949.The Parliamentary Government of the Commonwealth of Australia.
London: Longman.
Crisp, L. F. 1965.Australian National Government. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire.
Davies, A. F. 1958.Australian Democracy. Melbourne: Longmans Green and Co.
Davis, S. R. (ed.). 1960.The Government of the Australian States. Melbourne: Longmans.
Davis, S. R. 1978.The Federal Principle: A Journey through Time in Quest of Meaning.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. 2015.Reform of the Federation Green
Paper. Canberra: Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Greenwood, G. 1946.The Future of Federalism. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Hancock, W. K. 1930.Australia. London: Benn.
Hirst, J. 2004.The Distinctiveness of Australian Democracy, Papers on Parliament No. 42.
Canberra: Parliament of Australia.
Weber, M. 1948.From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. H. H. Gerth & C. Wright Mills
(eds.), London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

J. R. Nethercote

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