The EconomistJuly 22nd 2017 United States 29
LITERALLY went home every night
for the first three months and said,
“Oh, my God, what have I gotten myself
into?’,” Boston’s mayor, Marty Walsh, re-
cently told the Boston Globe. Jorge Elorza,
Providence’s mayor, remembers sitting in
his office after he was sworn in and won-
dering “how do we begin?” Many mayors
are skilled campaigners, but being in office
requires a different set of qualities. Andy
Burnham, Greater Manchester’s mayor
and one of the attendees, was in post just14
days when his city endured a terrorist at-
tack. American companies spend around
$15bn a year in leadership development,
but there is little, if any, training for public-
sector chief executives.
Michael Bloomberg, New York’s former
mayor, hopes to change that. Thanks to a
$32m gift his charity, Bloomberg Philan-
thropies, along with Harvard’sBusiness
and Kennedy Schools, has created a year-
long programme designed for serving
mayors. The inaugural cohort began study-
ing on July 17th. Forty mayors, 30 of them
from American cities, including the may-
ors of Philadelphia, Baltimore, Phoenix
and Mobile, spent three days back at
school in New York.
This being Harvard, the mayors looked
at case studies, on subjects from a sand-
wich-shop keeper in Amsterdam who was
struggling to navigate his city’s bureauc-
racy, to the use of data in a blight-stricken
city in Massachusetts. John Giles, mayor of
Mesa, Arizona, took pages and pages of
notes. The school for mayors is not about
promoting any particular policy, though
some of Mr Bloomberg’s grander accom-
plishments, such as the new Cornell Tech’s
applied sciences campus, and the High
Line, an elevated park which helped spark
development in a neglected part of the city,
were presented asexamples. Instead, the
programme is more about how to think
like a CEO. In Providence, says Mr Elorza,
the pervading culture used to be that you
had to know a guy to get things done. He
streamlined permitting, reducing the num-
ber of application forms from 44 to nine.
He copied from other cities, installing a 311
system, a municipal customer-service line
like the one in New York, and appointed an
innovation officer, as Pittsburgh has, to try
to change the government’s culture.
Government does not need to be run
like a business, but the curriculum devel-
opers thought that mayors could benefit
from expertise supplied by academics and
by actual managers. Running a city is hard-
er than running a company, says Mr
Bloomberg: the media spotlight is glaring,
pressure from unionised workforces can
make it hard to cut even bad programmes
and regulation can throttle innovation.
The sessions, staged in a Harvard class-
room-like setting, with tiered desks in a u-
shape, were closed to the press. But during
breaks the mayors asked each other for
their takes on issues like drug legalisation.
Some Democratic mayors in Republican
states admitted the battle to curb guns was
lost. Others talked about growing inequali-
ty in their cities. Mayors from all over the
world complained about the uselessness
of the federal government.
Mr Bloomberg reckons there is a sense
of urgency in cities over the lack of leader-
ship coming from the federal and state gov-
ernments. Meanwhile, mayors are finding
that their responsibilities extend beyond
policing and filling potholes. One mayor
recalled a constituent coming to him for
marital advice. Mayors are also having to
face national and international problems
that go beyond their formal authority, such
as immigration and climate change. There
are three major political parties in the Un-
ited States, says Mr Elorza: Republicans,
Democrats and mayors. And mayors do
not have time for ideological disputes. 7
School for mayors
New York’s former mayor funds a class
for other hizzoners
Presidential appointments
The missing government
T IS almost as if Republicans did not
control both Congress and the White
House. President Donald Trump has
struggled to carry out one of his basic
duties, which is to fill government posts.
The president blames supposedlyobsti-
nate Senate Democrats, against whom he
regularly rages on Twitter. “Dems are
taking forever to approve my people,
including Ambassadors. They are noth-
ing butOBSTRUCTIONISTS! Want ap-
provals”, he fumed on June 5th. “They
can’t win so all they do is slow down &
obstruct!”, he added on July 11th.
Mr Trump’s administration has yet to
get around to nominating many of the
officials who run the federal government.
Up until July 15th, Mr Trump had put 210
names to the Senate for consideration,
according to numbers provided by the
Partnership for Public Service, a non-
partisan group that tracks bureaucratic
hiring. The data do not count military or
judicial appointments. At the same point
in their presidencies, Barack Obama had
put forward 369 names, George W. Bush
had 315 and Bill Clinton had 275.
It is true that the Senate has taken, on
average, 45 days to confirm one of Mr
Trump’s nominees compared with 37
days to confirm one of Mr Obama’s. That
difference does not account for the vast
discrepancy in confirmations—49 for Mr
Trump compared with 203 for Mr Obama
by July 2009. Part of the problem is that
the majority of Mr Trump’s nominees
were submitted in the past two months—
while the Senate was consumed with a
health-care bill to replace Obamacare.
Transitions of power are messy: a new
administration must pick4,000 new
political appointees, nearly 1,200 of
whom mustbe confirmed bythe Senate.
Neglecting to do so leaves hollowed-out
agencies without critical staff. At the State
Department only two of 26 senior posts
have been filled. Twenty-two of the 24
unfilled posts, like under-secretary for
arms control, do not yet have a nominee.
Important ambassadorial postings, like
in Saudi Arabia and South Korea, are
unfilled. Things are only a little better at
the Department of Defence, where just
five of18 senior posts have been filled.
Presidential lethargy, not Democratic obstinacy, is to blame
Bill Clinton( 1993 ) GGeorge W. Bush ( 2001 ) Barack Obama ( 2009 ) Donaldld Trump ( 2017 )
Source: Partnership For Public Service *Excludes military and judicial appointments as well as hold-overs
Step up
United States, presidential nominations submitted to Senate in first six months of term*
of which: