The Economist Europe – July 22-28, 2017

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The EconomistJuly 22nd 2017 31



OR months President Donald Trump
has veered between threatening to ter-
minate the North American Free-Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) and merely proposing
to bring it “up to date”. On July 17th, in a let-
ter to Congress, the United States trade rep-
resentative, Robert Lighthizer, made the
administration’s intentions clearer. They
are closer to revision than destruction,
which is a relief for Mexico and Canada,
the United States’ NAFTApartners. But
alongside conventional-sounding negoti-
ating objectives are flashes ofTrumpian ag-
gression and hints that the United States
will demand painful changes to the deal.
The stakes are high. A quarter of Ameri-
can trade in goods and services is with
Mexico and Canada. The three economies
tend to grow or shrink together and have
integrated supply chains. Fears that the
United States would abandon NAFTAhave
caused volatility in the markets for the
Mexican peso and Canadian dollar, and
talk of possible recessions.
Mr Lighthizer’s letter, published at the
start of what Mr Trump billed as “made in
America” week, calmed those fears. The
administration has been tamed by work-
ing through Congress. The smallerNAFTA
partners made Herculean lobbying efforts
to defend the agreement. Canadian minis-
ters bombarded American governors with
visits. On July 14th Canada’s prime minis-
ter, Justin Trudeau, appealed to governors
in a speech to protect “our shared North

Some of Mr Lighthizer’s ideas are po-
tentially ambitious but vague. He wants to
“strengthen the rules of origin” that set out
how much North American content a pro-
duct needs to cross borders duty-free. That
could be a tweak, or it could be a big dis-
ruption to trade among members of
NAFTA. There is talk of ensuring through
an “appropriate mechanism” thatNAFTA
countries do not manipulate their curren-
cies. But that could impinge on American
monetary policy.
Where Mr Lighthizer’s goals are the
most Trumpian, they will face the fiercest
resistance. Reflecting the president’s obses-
sion with the United States’ trade deficit,
the document’s first objective isto reduce
deficits with otherNAFTAcountries. This is
barmy; trade deals do not determine defi-
cits. The Mexican government’s response
has been to argue that the standard num-
bers neither reflect flows in the value each
country sends across borders nor the bil-
lions of dollars that Mexicans spend when
they shop in the United States. Canada,
whose trade surplus with the United States
in goods is smaller than Mexico’s, is wait-
ing to see how the Trump administration
proposes to reduce it. If the United States
insists, for example, on allowing countries
to block trade if their deficits get too large,
the talks could take an angry turn.
Another worry is the administration’s
approach to trade remedies, ie, the duties
that governments can apply ifan industry
is “injured” by imports. UnderNAFTA,
Mexico and Canada get special treatment.
The United States has to cross a higher legal
threshold to apply defensive safeguards
on their exports than it does on those of
other countries. In addition, under chapter
19 of the agreement, disputes between
NAFTApartners over other remedies go to
aNAFTAcourt. The Trump administration,
which regards the authority of foreign

American home”. A path to a renegotiated
agreement is in sight, but it will be rocky.
The new deal Mr Lighthizer has in mind
borrows from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP), the Obama administration’s deal
with 11 Latin American and Asian coun-
tries, which in effect updated NAFTA. But
one of Mr Trump’s first acts in office was to
withdraw from it. Like the TPP, the pro-
posed NAFTA2 would bring protections
for workers and the environment “into the
core of the agreement”.
The letter drops some of the most con-
tentious items from an earlier American
wishlist. There is no mention, for example,
of addressing the Trump administration’s
grievance that Mexico charges value-add-
ed tax on imports.


Redesigning the North American home

Canada and Mexico face a tricky renegotiation of their trade agreement with the
United States

The Americas

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33 Che Guevara, local anti-hero
33 Cutting hair in Venezuela, turning
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Zone defence

Source: Chad P. Bown, Peterson Institute for
International Economics

US imports subject to defensive duties, %







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Canada and

Rest of world
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