Radio and television personality and successful entre-
preneur GARETH CLIFF has been a household name for
years. He stays on top of things with the help of his
iPhone 7 and Apple Watch.
iPhone 7
How does the iPhone 7 help you in your
career? is an online platform and we have
our own app, so the mobile phone is the primary
interface for us and our listeners. I use that every day,
along with social media apps that allow us to market and
connect to consumers. I refuse to use it for email, except
in emergencies.
How long have you had your iPhone 7 for?
Since November last year.
Would you say that this is a must-have gadget
for a businessman like yourself?
I think a smartphone is, but you don’t have to be an Apple
fan like me. In fact all my techie friends use Android.
I like iPhone for its aesthetic/
user experience design.
Is there anything you
don’t enjoy about your
iPhone 7?
Yes, I don’t love Siri. I think
she could be a lot more use-
ful. Also, the Maps app
could be a little more
accurate, but that isn’t
Apple’s fault.
What edge would you
say your iPhone 7 has
over other phones
you’ve used in the past?
It processes faster, it has a
terrific screen resolution
and camera, and it’s less
buggy than previous
iPhones. My particular
model also has a lot of stor-
age space, which helps.
Apple watch
What do you use your
Apple watch for?
I use it mostly for notifications
and fitness apps. If you travel a lot (like me), it can be
used for reminders, time differences and travel apps.
How long have you had your Apple watch for?
Just over a year.
PoPular Mechanics has hunted down some of
South Africa’s busiest and most successful
people to find out what tech makes their
lives better. – LUMKA NOFEMELE
What did you think about wearables before getting your
Apple watch?
I thought they were stupid. But I’ve clearly changed my mind.
How would you say your Apple watch has improved your life?
Well, in small ways. But that’s how it starts...
18 _ AUGUST 2017