
(Greg DeLong) #1

cells, which only exist in very young
embryos, and adult stem cells, which exist in
all tissue throughout life. Adult stem cells are
ready to replace dead cells in the body, but
unlike embryonic stem cells, they can only
develop into cell types that already exist in
the tissue in which they live. Adult stem cells
in muscle tissue will always produce muscle
cells and so, they are ideal for Mark Post’s
growth process. Stem cells can divide almost
indefinitely – in theory, one stem cell could
become one quintillion muscle cells or 10
tonnes of meat.
Mark Post has obviously explained the
problem of beef cattle many times before:
“Conventional meat production causes so
much pollution that a vegetarian in a large,
petrol-guzzling SUV is actually better for the
environment than a meat eater on a bicycle.

And there will be many more meat eaters in
the future, so if we do not develop new
alternatives now, we will soon have major
problems,” Mark Post says.
The environmental advantages of stem
cells are obvious. According to a study by the
University of Oxford, the production of lab-
grown meat emits 96 % less greenhouse gas,
takes up 99 % less land, and requires up to 45
% less energy than beef cattle breeding.

“Imagine a brewery. Large tanks with the
volume of half an Olympic swimming pool,”
Mark Post explains his vision of the future
production of stem cell meat. He shows me a
small, 1.5 l container with something that
looks like a miniature ship's propeller at the
bottom. The container is a prototype of a


A process known
as myogenesis
begins, by which
all the individual cells
collect in myotubes, which
are about 0.3 mm long.


To produce muscle fibres, the myotubes
are placed in a ring shape around a gel
cylinder, where the tubes join. The myotubes
are a type of muscle fibre prototypes with an integral
inclination to contract. The exercise makes them grow
bigger, developing into complete muscle fibres.


The fibres can now be mixed into a complete
burger. About 20,000 muscle fibres are required
for one burger. More than one quintillion fibres
can be produced from one tissue sample.

In the lab, the stem cells are placed in a
nutrient-rich fluid, in which they divide billions of
times, eventually turning into a burger.

In 2013, Dutch scientist
Mark Post introduced the
world’s first burger, which
had been grown in a lab.





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