Men’s Health Australia — September 2017

(Jeff_L) #1

point that it could double your risk of heart
attack and stroke.
So, yeah. That's the bad news: sexy
interns can be a health hazard. But studies
have shown that you can inoculate yourself
against such hazards the same way you would
against cigarettes, or any other unhealthy
temptation: by habitually downplaying their
allure. This could be as simple as playing up a
potential mate's imperfections (poor posture,
unappetising fondness for bubble gum), or
dismissing what could be her flirtation ("Nice
PowerPoint!") as mercenary flattery.
The reflex comes in handy when the
temptation involves someone you see
every day. Someone with perfect skin and

mischievous eyes who smells like beer and
berries and laughs with you in the car park,
which is where Bryan finally leaned in for that
gunpowder kiss.
"She ducked away and that kinda spooked
me," he says, "but then she's, like, 'Well, you
didn't try very hard.' "

could there be consequences when the
future didn't exist? Only the present existed

  • that and a few jingly minutes of memory
    or anticipation on either side. His temporal
    outlook had collapsed to the time it takes
    to copulate.

The decision to leave Gina arrived one day
when he was out buying gas for the barbecue.
Came home. Connected the new tank. And
feeling mildly deranged, he completed the
rest of the day like a page from a workbook,
head down, saying nothing. The following
day, Gina had gone to fetch dinner when he
retrieved his suitcase from the closet and put
it on the bed.
"You pack as if you're going on a trip," he
says now. "Just some toiletries, a few sets of
clothes. Just one bag. In my mind I wasn't
thinking, I'm really leaving Gina. This was just
a 'time out.' "
The separation went from days to weeks,
weeks to months. Gina, devastated, began

‘‘She ducked

away and that

kinda spooked

me but then

she’s like, ‘Well,

you didn’t try

very hard’”

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