Men’s Health Australia — September 2017

(Jeff_L) #1



Tons of tips, tricks

and strategies for life


Early-morning cardio sessions are
all well and good at the height
of summer. But as the window for
getting your body into seasonal
shape narrows, the idea of
blasting through a few fat-
burning laps of the park before
work begins to look less than
bright. Shake up your pre-run
nutrition, however, and rising




Team the green
stuff with
delicious fats
to boost your
staying power.

and grinding on frosty mornings
for a leaner physique should go
a lot more smoothly.
Lutein – a carotenoid
abundantly found in green giants
such as kale, spinach and
broccoli – has been shown to
trigger a huge increase in levels
of AMPK, dubbed the ‘marathon
enzyme’ for its ability to switch

your cells’ mitochondria from
burning food to tapping your fat
stores for energy.
A nine-week study published in
the journal PLoS One found this
not only improves your rate of
fat loss, but also enhances
stamina during the hard slog
of endurance exercise.
There is, however, a caveat –
but one we believe you’ll enjoy.
In their research, the scientists
discovered that adding fats to
lutein-containing foods spikes
uptake of the nutrient by three
times, so add almond milk, a
banana and a spoonful of nut
butter to your greens before
blitzing. That it will make your
shake a whole lot more palatable
is, of course, a bonus.


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