Men’s Health Australia — September 2017

(Jeff_L) #1



D E V I L’ S

Rest Days Are

For The Weak

Burning the
candle at
both ends
need not be
a bad thing.

Alternating heavy lifting with lazy sofa days puts a damper on your gains
and health. Instead, a little action every day is the easiest way to stay fit

WHATEVER JIM BRO and his cronies may
say, the “go hard then go home” approach to
training is dead weight. This old-school
philosophy of pulverising your body then
barely lifting a cup of tea the day after might
work for bodybuilders – they lift seriously
heavy weights to develop specific muscles
and therefore require periods of total rest to
recover. But unless you plan on overdoing the
fake tan, lazy days are, well, just lazy.
Let’s start with the broader health
implications. Federal government guidelines
advocate daily activity to ward off diabetes,
heart disease, cancer and depression.
Obliterate your muscles every Friday, only to
follow it with a sofa-bound Saturday and
you’re robbed of the myriad benefits. Tired
muscles might thank you, but your heart and
brain chemistry certainly won’t. The
consequences of inactive rest days make for
an uneasy read. Your metabolism slows
down and your brain produces fewer
endorphins. Muscle recovery is actually

impaired, not enhanced; your body needs
activity to flush out the lactic acid from
yesterday’s workout, which is why even Tour
de France cyclists do low-intensity rides on
rest days. Separate studies in the
International Journal of Sports Medicine
have shown that athletes who complete low-
intensity exercise – such as swimming,
cycling or a light jog – on their days off
recover faster.
But don’t think we’re devilishly advocating
daily deadlifts. Three targeted weights
sessions a week (chest and arms; shoulders
and back; and, yes, sorry, a legs day) is
sufficient to improve strength. However, if you
also want to drop body fat and boost your
energy levels, you need to keep moving on
the days in between.
Start thinking about alternating between
“gym days” and “active days”. On gym days,
train hard. On active days, stick to low-
intensity stuff such as walking, tennis,
cycling, swimming or golf.

The steady-state cardio will stoke your
metabolism and enhance your mood. In fact,
aerobic exercise is superior to resistance
training for stimulating endorphins and
boosting your cognitive performance.
What the stringy vest and baseball cap-
brigade don’t know is that swapping sofa for
sport can deliver benefits in the squat rack,
too. Swimming improves joint mobility by
producing synovial fluid, making it a great
complement to power cleans, while yoga and
Pilates will stabilise posture and strengthen
your posterior chain. A paper in the Clinical
Journal of Sport Medicine suggests regular
stretching improves everything from strength
to speed.
If you think staying active seven days a
week will leave you drained, the opposite is
true. Additional low-intensity exercise will
energise you, not wear you down. So give
rest a break and opt for a smarter everyday
fitness program. A day off isn’t proof you’ve
been training hard. It’s a waste of time.


The British Journal of Sports Medicine
found low-intensity cycling curbs
muscle damage better than pure rest.

University of Georgia researchers found
regular activity reduces fatigue more
than anti-narcolepsy drug Modafinil.

A 40-minute walk is enough to enhance
connectivity in your grey matter,
according to the University of Illinois.

Ollie Frost is a PT and
former rugby pro who
isn’t afraid to tackle
accepted wisdom






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