Men’s Health Australia — September 2017

(Jeff_L) #1

She opened the door for him as he got in from work. She’d barely kissed him hello before he turned her

around, bent her over the kitchen counter and pulled her tights down. Minutes later, it was all over bar the

panting. That was no fantasy – it was me and my boyfriend, just a typical Netflix-and-tracksuit pants kind

of couple. But we like to have fun. We went out to eat that night, laughing over inside jokes. I’m sure his

mind drifted back to our quickie. I know mine did. Done right, quickies can be a thrill. See how.

Or anyplace you don’t consider

sexy. “Novelty is associated with

hotter sex and greater desire,”

says sex therapist Shannon

Chavez. “Make an ‘intimacy

fort’ in the living room, closet,

laundry room... anywhere but

the bedroom.

Animals love quickies: “Chimps

don’t want to be interrupted

by the next guy in line,” says

anthropologist Dr Helen Fisher.

“For humans, any genital

stimulation drives dopamine to the

brain and can push people over

the threshold into romantic love.”

Use the shower for foreplay (a
good place for oral, both ways)
and then move to the countertop.
(There’s a mirror!) Or surprise her
as she exits the shower, says Dr
Joel Block, author of The Art of
the Quickie. Take her towel and
start kissing her neck.

That need-you-now urgency is
hot, plus brevity keeps us in the
moment. No drifting off, thinking
about work or snacks. “And when
silly things happen, like the chair
falling over or bumping heads, it’s
easier to laugh with someone I
trust,” says Emily, 23.

Quickies solve a big obstacle
to having sex – finding the time.
For me, evenings at home are
sacred. Sure I want an orgasm

  • but I also want to do an
    eight-step skin care regimen and
    read the thriller that’s been on my
    nightstand for months.

A quickie doesn’t have to
mean full-blown intercourse.
“Don’t restrict yourselves
to just penetration,” says
Claire Cavanah, co-author of
Moregasm: Babeland’s Guide
to Mind-Blowing Sex. “Mouths,
hands, and fingers count too.”

She can’t go from zero to boner
like you can, so give her a head
start. Kiss, hold hands, whisper
in her ear. I’ve never been more
turned on than when my boyfriend
leaned over at a crowded party
and whispered exactly what he
wanted to do to me.

The key to mutual orgasm is
switching it up – something that’s
often lacking during quickies.
“Orgasm is a release of sexual
tension,” says Cavanah. “To get
there, you have to build that
tension.” Take a few precious
minutes to warm her up.

Hotel room
Living room

It’s pure sex
It’s a connection

She’s into it
It’s true!

It’s full-on sex
Doesn’t have to be

She has an orgasm
Yeah, maybe

Shower sex!
Not so easy!

Perfect moment

It’s spontaneous
Foreplay helps

It’s great outdoors: Sex without
walls engages the senses and
heightens arousal, as does the risk
of getting caught. Do it on your back
deck – or in the car before walking
into a party. You’ll have a shared
secret while you’re there.

Touch her all over: “Quickies are
all about physical embrace, touch
and connection,” says Chavez. That
leads to trust and closeness. Focus
on her body. Afterwards, ask what
she liked and take mental notes.
Communication bonds you.

If you insist: The best way to
have shower sex (or bathroom stall
sex, you freaks) is for her to stand
with her back to you, legs spread,
her hands against the wall. Shallow
thrusts let you hit the first third of the
vagina, the most sensitive part.

Make it happen (again):
Bring up the last quickie, Chavez
suggests. “Memories can evoke
desire.” Just one steamy sex session
can have a huge impact on her
brain’s memory, emotion and reward
centres. Result: she’ll be wired to
want more.

Rise early: “Mornings are great.
That’s when testosterone, the
hormone behind sexual desire, is
highest for both sexes,” Chavez
says. “It improves my mood for the
rest of the day,” says Carol, 33. “Daily
frustrations seem less annoying.”

Keep your clothes on: It’s
hot; plus, the clothing offers new
sensations. Emily Morse of the
podcast Sex with Emily suggests
softly stroking and touching over
her underwear. “The fabric provides
extra friction, amplifying the feel.”

Work out together: “Endorphins
are high; your natural scent comes
out. It’s the perfect jumping-off point,
even at the gym if you can,” says
Chavez. Kiss her where her arm and
armpit meet – it’s a sensory region
loaded with pheromones.

Just do it: That said, she
doesn’t always expect to finish.
“Even if I don’t climax, I’ve still had
fun and satisfied my partner,” says
Rachael, 25. “I know he’ll get me
next time.” Orgasmic zenith or not,
she sometimes prefers a sprint to
a marathon.


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