Men’s Health Australia — September 2017

(Jeff_L) #1
On one hand, he’s an ego-driven businessman turned reality TV star, devoid of political
experience, who has enacted a series of controversial executive orders that may well set us on
the path to a third world war. On the other, he’s the most famous billionaire in the world, has
an ex-model for a wife and has been handed the keys to the kingdom for the next four years, at
least. Whichever way you slice it, President Trump’s impact on your career, health and pursuit
of happiness is huge. But short of joining the uprising, what can you actually do? We wouldn’t
be as trite as to suggest that if you can’t beat Trump, you should join him. But what we are
suggesting is that, when used for good, some of Trump’s powers can be a force for betterment.
In the hands of a decent man, a stronger man – a man like you – Trump’s indulgences can help
you win bigly and become the leader your office deserves. And that, at least, is a start.


Gain Loyalty
Inspiring the devotion of your
colleagues is fundamental to
leadership. And, whatever
you think of Trump, you don’t
get 63 million people behind
you without putting on a good
show. Professor Dent talks you
through what it takes to thrive.

01 / Interest in others
Always listen more than
you talk. This enables
you to ask more incisive
questions, which in turn
demonstrates empathy and
encourages your team to
open up to you.
“Judge Gorsuch will be sworn
in... at 11am. He will be a great
Justice. Very proud of him!”

02 / Appreciation
This is a two-way street.
Noticing and praising
colleagues’ successes
will foster an environment
of openness and positivity –
exactly the conditions
people want to work in.
“Great progress on healthcare.
Improvements being made –
Republicans coming together!”

03 / Open dialogue
By initiating conversation
with your workmates and
incorporating their ideas into
your decisions, you show
commitment to the team,
which will bolster their
commitment to you.
“@FoxNews “There was
electronic surveillance
of Trump, and people close
to Trump...” @FBI”

Work stress leaving you with a rubbery, red visage? Fix up
flaky skin by breaking open a vit E capsule and rubbing it
on your face before bed (University of Western Ontario).

Preventing outside influences from derailing your creative flow requires
tycoon-like focus. As a business professor and author of The Leader’s
Guide To Coaching and Mentoring, Fiona Dent knows a thing or two
about staying on track when distractions – and emotions – are running
high: “While you’re working, nothing should matter but the task at
hand,” says Dent. “Ignore anything of little value to your purpose.”
Remember, too, that you can’t always go it alone. “Know your limits,”
says Dent. “Understanding your skill base, strengths and weaknesses
will help you decide when to tune out agitators, and when to ask for
assistance.” Finally, accepting defeat and admitting that not all projects
are meant to be will stop you from sweating the small stuff.


Build a Mental Wall

Comb over these
facts and learn
to think like
a winner.
Free download pdf