Oxygen USA — September-October 2017

(coco) #1

Editor’s note: We are conducting a reader
survey online now, and one of the things I’m
interested in is fi nding out the ages of our
readership. Training well into your 50s, 60s,
70s and beyond is so important for maintain-
ing muscle mass, improving mobility and
keeping your metabolism humming along. It’s
an essential part of aging well, in my opinion,
and Oxygen will continue to address that!

Cover Confusion
Please explain why both coaches for OC3 were
not on the front cover of Oxygen magazine
together? I archive these issues in binders for
each Challenge and just expected both to be
on the cover. So disappointed when only one
was available to me in my area. I have been
able to obtain one of each, but both coaches on
one cover would have been ideal. The coaches
together on the cover has meaning to the
Challenge and represents an incredible time
in our lives completing these programs. On a
more positive note, the 20-minute plate-push
workout in the July/August 2017 issue was
WOW!!! Thank you, Oxygen, for all you do. 

Editor’s note: Fair enough. This year, we
wanted to try giving our coaches their own
cover to celebrate how unique they were.

However, I won’t lie: I love that you went out
and tracked both of them down! I’m a fan of
the plate workout, too. I’m working that into
my program, as well!

Fitness Is Life
I happened upon the July/August 2017
Oxygen at the grocery store.  I had been look-
ing for new ideas to make my workout more
exciting, and I kept running into wonderful
new exercises and advice in Oxygen.
You see, I had a very serious accident in
2009 and had spinal cord injuries. For years,
I struggled with pain and prescriptions until
I realized how much of my son’s life I had
missed. He was our miracle. We had been told
we would not have children, but after 13 years,
he was born and 10 months later I had the
accident. I was in a medicated coma for about
a year, so I don’t recollect much of anything of
my baby boy’s fi rst three years.
On my own, I tried to get rid of the meds,
but it was awful.  Then I was approved for
a surgical implant (spinal cord stimulator).
Afterward, I hired a naturopathic doctor.
About a year later, I had nutraceuticals that
were giving me new energy. My little guy was
rocking soccer (he’s 8 now), and I was inspired
to work out to lose weight but also to have
more energy. With a combination of helpers,

I started a program eight
weeks ago and have already
lost two dress sizes! My son
keeps tabs on me and loves
hearing about my exercise.
He says I’m even nicer now
because I’m not always
tired. My husband is a gift,
supporting all this. Soon, we
will be working with new specialists to get off
all the prescriptions because the implant, exer-
cise, diet and nutraceuticals do more than the
prescriptions and because I feel so much better!
Anyhow, I wanted to tell you I loved the mag-
azine but especially liked “Ball Bearings,” on
Page 32. However, I had to make some modifi -
cations because I don’t have much of a balance
yet. I created a sort of track for the ball so it
wouldn’t move around so much, and I love the
results I’m seeing. (See photo above.) Thanks
for the encouragement.

Editor’s note: There are so many things I love
about this letter. I’m glad you are healing and
returning to living — and enjoying — life. This
drives home the point that fi tness and training
is essential to health and wellness. I’m such a
fan of how you created a modifi cation to suit
your needs. Keep it up!

Until her balance
improves, Adriana
created this stability-
ball stand.
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