Oxygen USA — September-October 2017

(coco) #1

24 oxygenmag.com


This two-part plan

uses AMRAP and

EMOM protocols

to hit all your major

muscles, spike your

heart rate and burn


Metcons are the fastest way to
maintain lean mass while burning fat
and boosting metabolism, and this
one gets the job done in less than 20
First is a 10-minute barbell EMOM,
and at the top of every minute, you’ll
do the three moves in order — without
putting the barbell down — then rest
the remaining time. Use a pretty heavy
weight to make these moves meta-
bolically intense and ensure a crazy,
fat-eradicating afterburn. Rest two
minutes, then move into the AMRAP,
repeating a three-move circuit for as
many rounds as you can for a total of
seven minutes. Pace yourself, but don’t
slack off — you want to be moving at
80 to 85 percent max capacity for max

Stand with your feet
hip-width apart
and your midfoot
underneath the
loaded barbell. Bend
your knees, drop
your hips and take
a shoulder-width,
overhand grip on the
bar. Your hips should
be higher than your
knees, chest lifted,
back straight. Keep
the bar close to your
body as you extend
your knees and hips
at the same rate. As
it passes your knees,
do a triple exten-
sion of the ankles,
knees and hips,
coming up onto your
toes and shrug-
ging your shoulders,
elbows high. Drop
underneath the bar,
catching it across
your front delts and
clavicle and fl ipping
your elbows under-
neath into a front
rack position. Reset
your feet, lower the
bar and repeat.

After your third power clean, lower the bar to
just above your knees, with your back straight
and your hips back. Repeat the triple exten-
sion/shrug portion of the power clean and
catch the bar in the same manner.



Ankles, knees and
hip joints must extend
simultaneously — in a
movement known as
“triple extension” —
to provide the
explosiveness you need
to begin moving the
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