Oxygen USA — September-October 2017

(coco) #1

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BCAAs. These three amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine)
are unique from other aminos because they can be used as fuel
within muscle tissue, allowing for increased muscular endurance
and faster recovery. Leucine is the anabolic trigger for growth, so
it helps build new muscle tissue, plus may increase growth hor-
mone and reduce cortisol. Even if you’re not looking to get bigger,
branched-chain amino acids are critical for muscle power and
endurance during intense training, plus recovery afterward. When
supplementing, use a BCAA with at least a 5:1:1 ratio (leucine to
isoleucine and valine) and take 5 to 10 grams before training.

B-Complex Vitamins. Among the group of eight vitamins
known as B complex — all of which are critical for conversion of
food to energy — at least four play an additional role in develop-
ment of strength. Niacin (B3) is key to energy production and
hormone manufacturing, both of which are necessary for muscular

or many women who train with weights, increasing
strength and lifting performance is more important than
building muscle mass. Of course, any strength gains will
be accompanied by improvements in muscle tone and
shape — everyone desires these upgrades. But if you want
to hoist more weight, you have to carefully select your nutritional
For starters, every strength-training diet should begin with
adequate protein. This is the fuel by which muscles grow. To stay
strong, your daily intake should be between 1 to 1.5 grams per
pound of bodyweight, divided so that you don’t consume more
than 25 grams at any one sitting (for greatest absorption). About
20 percent of this could be taken immediately after working out.
What follows are key vitamins and other nutrients that will
help your muscles contract more powerfully without tremen-
dously increasing their overall size.

Supplement for

strength, not mass

No matter what your goals,
these six supplements can
help you build lean muscle,
burn fat and even fight aging.


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