Oxygen USA — September-October 2017

(coco) #1

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Ence returned from Italy just six weeks before the
Regionals and found she had developed severe
tendinitis in her knee. “I had not squatted below
parallel in months, but I thought I could still excel and
qualify for the Games, even though my preparation
was so much different from everyone else’s,” she says.
Regionals and missed qualifying for the Games by a
single spot. Subsequent social media was a relentless
barrage of negativity, and Ence began to question her
veracity as an athlete. With the help of friends and
family, she realized that her haters were just that —
haters. None of their criticism was true, and none of it
Then, just as she was in a positive headspace and
back to a purposeful training regimen, she woke
over the 2016 Christmas break with inexplicable
pain radiating down her arms. On her Instagram,
she described the pain as if “I were the patient in the
game Operation and whoever was playing the game
TOTALLY sucked.” No amount of chiropractic, physio

or massage work helped, so in February, as the 2017 Open
began, Ence was getting an MRI. Though she had never
dropped a bar on herself or incurred another type of acute
injury to explain her pain, the doctors discovered she had
herniated two cervical disks. For Ence, the 2017 Games
would not happen.
“It’s a cliché, but you don’t realize what you have until
it’s gone,” she says. “Movement is how I cope with stress
and am able to release and let things go.”

Lassoing Opportunity
At the time of this writing, Ence was just 13 weeks out
from a spinal fusion of the C6 and C7 disks in her neck,
and by August, she expects to be training at 100 percent
intensity. In the meantime, Wonder Woman was released
and Ence was blown away when she saw herself on the
big screen and her name in the credits. Moreover, she was
surprised at her overnight notoriety.
“I had no idea the scale at which I would matter,” Ence
says. “My part was fairly small, but when I would get out
of a car at an event, they would announce my name and
people would start screaming and taking tons of photos.
I don’t think I realized how big and amazing this would
be, and now I have a whole new audience to reach and to
give a super-positive message. I mean, what better positive
message than a woman — Wonder Woman — who
Like this princess of the Amazons, Ence also wants
to empower women and let them know that it’s OK to be
themselves. “My biggest goal is to motivate people

Load a Prowler or another kind of sled and secure a long rope to one end.
Extend the rope along the ground and stand at the end with your feet
spread wide, core braced. Pull the sled toward you with the rope, using a
continuous hand-over-hand motion. When it reaches your toes, walk the
rope out to the end and repeat that process until you’ve traveled 50 feet.

ENCE’S ADVICE: “Really use that twisting of your torso to gain ground —
reach forward as far as you can and pull the rope to your hip.”
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