Oxygen USA — September-October 2017

(coco) #1

If you avoid momentum and
perform your reps slowly,
bands can help build mus-
cular endurance.
Secure a super band
around the bar by loop-
ing it through itself. Then
assume your grip on the
bar. Place one foot (or knee,
depending on band length)
inside the band loop and
hang from the bar. Note
how the band off sets some
of your bodyweight. Now
draw your shoulder blades
together and drive your
elbows down to pull yourself
up toward the bar. Pause
and squeeze hard before
lowering to the start. Switch
the banded foot/knee every
other set.

Chalk or
No chalk?
Chalk is used to reduce
the friction between
your hands and the
bar, and it can be great
for movements where
a barbell is supposed
to move in your hands,
as with a snatch, or
exercises where your
hands are supposed
to rotate around a
fi xed bar, as with a bar
muscle-up. Since your
hands shouldn’t move
much during a pull-
up, chalk is optional.
It might be of assis-
tance if you’re prone
to sweating or have
calluses: A light coat of
chalk can help protect
your hands and pre-
vent them from ripping.
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