Oxygen USA — September-October 2017

(coco) #1

90 oxygenmag.com

n 2010, while working as a registered
holistic nutritionist and personal trainer in
Toronto, Grace Van Berkum decided it was
time to break up with winter. So she enrolled
in a yoga instructor training program at an ashram
in the Bahamas, and upon completion, she headed
to Nicaragua for a two-month teaching opportu-
nity. It’s six years later and she’s never left.
“I sold everything I owned and left everyone I
knew and cared for, to follow my dreams of living
off the grid in the tropics on a beach while teach-
ing my passion and strong beliefs that conscious
eating and conscious living will help you live your
best life possible, physically, mentally and spiritu-
ally,” Van Berkum says. “This journey would not
be possible if I didn’t have the courage to face
my fears, follow my heart, embrace change and
explore new ways of living.” 
To help spread her message of plant-based
nutrition and self-love, Van Berkum has hosted
more than 100 Gracious Living Lifestyle Retreats
around the world. And earlier this year, she
opened Gracious Living Oasis, a semiprivate heal-

Learn how
this plant-
powered, detox
nutritionist and
tropical yoga
teacher relies on
nature to stay fi t.


Sunwarrior Warrior Blend in vanilla because of how clean the plant-based
protein powder is. It blends so creamy and smooth — I never make a smoothie
without it, and it’s a great addition to my raw, vegan, protein bars. I also love
the mint-fl avored Ormus Super Greens, which tastes great and has amazing
ingredients to help heal and detoxify the body.”

ing retreat center situated in a remote location
in northern Nicaragua surrounded by surf, wild
horses and coconut trees. Van Berkum believes
in the healing powers of nature, and she models
her business around the paramount importance
of unadulterated, fresh foods from the earth,
connecting to nature, a yogic lifestyle and daily,
mindful, physical movements.
“The best whole foods and plant foods com-
bined with a healthy, balanced, loving mind
and open heart can heal the body (and planet)
of disease,” she says. “An effi ciently running,
healthy body enables us to use more energy
toward our life purpose.” 
Van Berkum’s mission is to help others who
have been through abuse, drug addictions,
eating disorders and depression. “I think this is
why we are put on this earth: to heal ourselves
and help heal those around us,” she says. “We
are all connected. We are all here to help each
other and learn from each other. Without con-
nection, we cannot heal. And this is also a big
part of my retreats ... creating community.”

spotlight GRACE VAN BERKUM By Jill Schildhouse

“Starting each day by sweating helps my
body function effi cientl,y” Van Berkum
says. “I like to do circuit training with yoga
incorporated because I live in a remote
location and there are no gyms or yoga
studios. I have to use nature to stay fi t.”

WARM-UP: Arm circles while skipping
on the beach. Hip circles. Hanging Rag
Doll — loosening the torso, relaxing the
neck, getting into the hamstrings and
breath work.
20-minute beach run with 100-meter
sprints every fi ve minutes
12 push-ups
24 walking lunges (12 each leg)
12 burpees

Downward Dog for 10 breaths
Move into plank for fi ve breaths
Move into side plank for fi ve breaths
(each side)
Move back into plank
Five-minute beach run

Moving into Warrior 3, hold for fi ve
breaths, move into Half-Moon for fi ve
breaths, then reverse Half-Moon for
fi ve breaths. Come into standing splits.
Then handstand work. Do three rounds
each side.

20 cartwheels down the beach
(10 each side)
Rest in a deep squat for 20 breaths
Dancer Pose or Wheel for 10 breaths
(fi ve each side for Dancer Pose)
Rest in Hanging Rag Doll

COOL-DOWN: Sit in stillness cross-
legged on the sand near the water.
Focus on breathing exercises. Set
intentions for the day.

Amazing Grace

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