Empire Australasia August 2017

(nextflipdebug5) #1
you know?

What character were you in your first-ever
school play?
I was the Piper in The Pied Piper Of Hamelin.
Everyone else played rats.

From one to 10, how hairy is your arse?
Well, I couldn’t say for sure, because I haven’t
had enough of a close look, but I think only
about a two-and-a-half. I appear naturally

Which movie have you seen the most?
Oddly, it’s Braveheart [which Gleeson was in]. Not
deliberately, but any time it’s on TV I find myself
sucked in and needing to watch to the end. I
wouldn’t call it my favourite film, but I’ve seen it
the most. I think it’s great.

Do you have any scars?
Several, but I have one at the top of my
forehead that I got when I was a boy riding my
bike and carrying soccer boots. The laces got
caught in the wheel and I went over the handle
bars. I’m convinced I was knocked out, but I
can’t prove it.

Do you have a tattoo?
I don’t, because I’m an actor. I absolutely don’t
understand actors who are covered in tattoos
and then have to get them all covered up every
day on set. Why have them? You’re supposed to

be a blank slate.

What is your favourite animal?
Dogs, because they never hold grudges.
Unless you get them wet, and even then it’s
very short-lived.

What is your earliest memory?
Reading a story about a daddy horse, a mummy
horse and a baby horse, aged three. I remember
getting to the bit about the baby horse and saying,
“That’s me.” I’ve always thought of myself as a
lovely foal with an unusually smooth arse. That
sounds weirdly like a baboon, doesn’t it?

What’s the strangest place you’ve ever thrown up?
It was on a sofa in a hotel hallway. I’d got out of
bed to be ill and instead of going right into the
bathroom, I went out into the corridor and the
door shut behind me. I tried to make a dash for
the nearest toilet down the hall, but I didn’t make
it. I’m not sure I was wearing anything.

Aliens land on Earth and demand to see a double
bill of your movies or they’ll blow up the world.
What do you choose?
I’m going to give you three, because I refuse to
choose between the McDonaghs [directors
Martin and John Michael]. So In Bruges and The
Guard from them. And I’d add The General,
because it was just the most special experience.
The aliens will have to make more time.




So just how smooth is the arse of
Mad-Eye Moody?




Do you have a nickname?
I used to be known as Flying Shite. I was very
quick over 10 yards. I don’t know if it was
meant entirely as a compliment.

When were you last naked outdoors?
Very recently. It was in a pool in the garden of
a house I was staying in. No, I wasn’t sneaking
into someone’s pool naked.

What one thing do you do better than anyone else
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