Empire Australasia August 2017

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Blessed with bulletproof skin and the kind of
punching power that could knock more than
a few blocks off, Luke Cage is the team’s muscle.
Introduced in the first season of Jessica Jones
before graduating to his own show last year,
he provided the fast-talking Colter with
a breakthrough role after years of knocking
on the door.

Where does Luke fit into the team?
He comes in as a bruiser. But he’s level-headed and
aware. He’s that kind of guy. He’ll come in, weigh
all the options and decide how to proceed. There’s
a mystical element to the series and Luke is a little
apprehensive about that. Where he’s from, there is
no such thing as mysticism.

Tell us about that bonding dinner.
Good times. There was definitely a little gawking,
[people] trying to videotape us on their phones, and
we were talking quite loudly. I’m pretty sure people
eavesdropping found out a lot about us.
We definitely said things we shouldn’t have.

Who paid?
Charlie pulled the classic move. He went to the
bathroom and when he came back the tab had
been taken care of. As well he should, he’s 1A.

Who’s the coolest Defender?
Cool is a strange word. I don’t know what cool is,
to be honest.

Okay, who’s the most stylish Defender?
Most times they’ll come in pants and T-shirts and
a hoodie. I’ll come in in clothes that look like I
care. I’ll add a bit of style and dash to it. I’m not
going to deny that I’ve had outfits that, from time
to time, have turned heads. But this is my third
season of wearing nothing but a hoodie and jeans
on the show, so I gotta mix it up a little bit.

Have you watched the other shows?
I’m not up to speed yet. I’m still finishing off Iron
Fist. I have a two-year-old so I’m at her mercy.
If she’s awake, all I can watch is Sesame Street.

Do you get free Netflix?
I thought I did until about a month ago. My wife
signed me up for a package and I saw the email.
I found out the hard way I don’t get it. It’s a shame.

Who would win in a fight?
The true winner is Netflix.


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