Empire Australasia August 2017

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Of all the Defenders, Finn Jones has come in for
the roughest ride. Iron Fist, the show in which
the 29-year-old Brit stars as fearsomely fisted
rich kid Danny Rand, was the last of the solo
shows to debut on Netflix, and ran into
a barrage of criticism; not just of the show
itself, but of Jones’ performance. “I’ve been
getting on with my life,” he says. “The way I see
it, I do my job and everything that comes out
post-release, I can’t change anything.”

Where is Danny when we meet him in
The Defenders?
It’s about two months after Iron Fist finishes. He’s
a man on a mission now. He’s got the guilt from
not being there when K’un Lun was invaded.
He’s been travelling around the world with
Colleen Wing, trying to track down members
of The Hand.

How does he fit into the team?
Danny is the youngest of the group and I think
that youth gives him an edge. He’s got an
energetic drive to get things done. He’s the
strongest voice for a team-up. But he’s reckless as
well. He won’t think before he acts. That gets him
and the other three into a lot of trouble.

Who is the coolest Defender?
Krysten’s the coolest as a person. Mike’s quite
stylish. Me and Charlie are both bums, we come
to work in our tracksuits. Mike will come in
with a full trilby hat, blazer and shoes. Krysten’s
always knitting a jumper, or a dog’s jumper,
or something.

Have you watched all the other shows?
The other guys will kill me, but no. I landed the
role in February of last year, started filming in
March. I haven’t had a chance. I’ve seen the first
season of Daredevil, the first three episodes
of Luke Cage and the first three episodes of
Jessica Jones.

Do you get free Netflix?
Oh yeah. They gave me a nice annual pass. That
was very kind of them. Only for one year,
though. I’ll see if I can get another one next year.

Who would win in a fight between all four
of you?
If shit went down, I think it would be Mike. The
dude’s just massive.



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