Women’s Fitness Australia — September 2017

(Elle) #1


Behind the shoots
...With A Bikini A Day babe, and this issue’s cover star, Tash Oakley


Yep, this is me (mostly)
naked in a -112 degree
chamber. Flick to
page 52 to read why!


  • IT’S SPRING! And spring is a pretty
    good season to feel transformed, isn’t it?
    Maybe with a fresh haircut, a white sage
    cleanse or an updated Facebook profile
    picture. Or even better, by matching your
    workouts to a new outdoorsy season and
    giving your thoughts a spring clean.
    As we ditch our winter sloths, we’re
    welcoming in a time of transformations.
    I’m a terrible green thumb (RIP every herb
    garden I’ve ever touched), but I reckon
    it’s a time when we can be tending to
    ourselves just like a garden – planting new
    goals, sweeping away unwanted habits,
    letting the sunshine have its way with us.
    One dictionary definition of spring is
    to “jump rapidly upwards or forwards”. Two
    great directions to head in, right? So why
    not use this equinox, and everything it
    stands for, to get on the right garden path
    in every shrub of your life – find wellness
    at work (on page 26), take your treadmill
    sessions outside (run to 54), upgrade your
    roasting repertoire (page 80 has all the
    recipes) or get mindful with your beauty
    routine (take a masterclass on page 116).
    When it comes to re-blooming, I’m all
    about manifestation (if you’ve met me, you
    know I’m obsessed). While I don’t need the

calendar to change
dates to be able to
manifest, I’ll take any
reminder on offer
to reset my wish list.
Not a believer? Then
I highly recommend
you bookmark the no-BS guide to
manifesting by our awesome resident
kinesiologist, Yolande Herring, on
page 36. It’s life changing. Literally.
So let’s pack the hoodies away (my
favourite part!) and take a little spring
break to retune. Here’s to all of our
manifestations (especially the one where
Kit Harington asks me to marry him)
blossoming into fruition this spring.

Enjoy the issue!


into it

Samera Kamaleddine, Editor
Follow me: samerak
Follow WF: womensfitnessmag
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