Women’s Fitness Australia — September 2017

(Elle) #1
Picture this
Suck at drawing? Chances are
you probably don’t, and even
if you’re not a modern-day
Salvador Dalí, science says it’ll
still do you some good. A study
published in the journal of The
Arts in Psychotherapy found
that when people doodle or
free-draw, the blood fl ow in
their brain’s prefrontal cortex
increases. Since this area of
the brain is responsible for our
thoughts, feelings, actions and
how we perceive rewards, it’s
a sure sign that artistic pursuits
can help boost your happy
vibes. After the experiment,
the volunteers also reported
that they had more “good” ideas
and were better able to solve
problems, so in the name of
fi nally winning pub trivia, it’s
time to break out the pencils.

Inner boost
Fuel your bod with these nutritional buys

Spatone 100% Natural Liquid
Iron Supplement, 28 sachets for
$36.25/14 sachets for $24.15,

Be Wellbeing Broth
in Vegetable Infused
with Beetroot, $7,

Pureharvest Sōl
Good Protein Bar in
Cinnamon Roll, $4.95,



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