Women’s Fitness Australia — September 2017

(Elle) #1
Good bytes
Download these timesaving
apps before you hit the road

(free, iTunes &
Google Play)
Use this GPS app and
its crowd-sourced info to avoid tra c
jams and accidents, fi nd the cheapest
fuel nearby and beat delays.

(free, iTunes )
When nature calls,
use this nifty program to fi nd the
best place to take care of business.

(free, iTunes)
You’ve planned the
tunes, pit stops and
routes, so now kick back (if you’re
a passenger, that is) and relax with
a good ol’ game of bingo.

The number of unused

annual leave days Aussies

accrued in the past year*

Free range


Better spread
If you want to protect your grey matter, slather
some Marmite on your toast this morning.
During a study by the University of York in the
UK, people who ate one teaspoon of the yeasty
spread a day were found to have higher levels
of the neurotransmitter GABA in their system.
Since GABA works to calm your neurons and
regulate the activity required for a healthy brain,
it’s a welcome side eŠ ect for Marmite lovers.
The experts think that Marmite’s high levels
of vitamin B12 are to thank for the boost, and
they also pointed out that once the study
concluded, the volunteers were still reaping
the benefi ts up to eight weeks later. Tasty
and good for you – what’s not to like?!

Unless you’ve taken a cue from Sophia
Amoruso’s #Girlboss book and become your
own boss, chances are you’ll need to follow orders
from your manager if you want to, uh, keep your
current gig. If you happen to be on the hunt for a new
one, though, you should probs pay a little more attention
to workplace culture before you sign the dotted line.
According to a study published in Work and Occupations,
employees who are given more autonomy in their roles are
happier than those given less wriggle room. The
researchers noted that when employees were granted
fl exible working hours and given greater control
over their tasks and schedules, they reported
increased levels of wellbeing. Got an
interview coming up? Now you
know what to ask.
Free download pdf