Women’s Fitness Australia — September 2017

(Elle) #1

Second thoughts

Rocky road
The next time you’re feeling blue, head
for the mountains. Well, that’s what
researchers from the University of
Arizona suggest you do, anyway.
According to a recent study,
bouldering (a type of rock
climbing performed at lower
heights without a harness)
can up your positive feels
and decrease anxiety. As
well as o ering a sense of
accomplishment and social
interaction, bouldering can
also prevent you from
renumerating (constantly
mulling over neg thoughts)
since it requires extreme focus
on the present moment. Oh, and
you don’t have to be a pro climber
to gain the benefi ts, either, since most
of the study’s volunteers were total
newbies. Keen to give it a try? Head
to thecrag.com and plan your route.

Next time you can’t get something o
your mind, wash your hands. Or, better
yet, give them a once-over with an
antiseptic wipe. Nope, we’re not crazy

  • according to a study published in the
    Journal of Experimental Psychology:
    General, physically cleaning your hands
    allows you to mentally separate yourself
    from lingering ideas. During the study,
    a group of volunteers were primed to
    think about a particular goal and then
    asked to wipe their hands. Compared

to those who didn’t cleanse, those
who used hand wipes were less likely to
remember their original goal and were
more unlikely to make decisions based
on their previous thoughts. On top of
that, they were also more receptive
to new goals, so whether it’s making
healthier food choices, forgetting
all about your bad date or trying to
recommit to your winter knitting
project, hand wipes could be just the
thing you need. Personal hygiene FTW!

Culture club

Struggle to make your doctor’s
appointments because you’re always
caught up at work? Use this clever
website to hunt down bulk-billing
medical centres with extended hours.

Short Cuts to Glory
(Echo Publishing, $29.99)
Master easy and classic meals (think
omelettes, roasts and gravies) with
tips from iconic Aussie chefs like
Adriano Zumbo, Justine Schofi eld,
Hayden Quinn and Brigitte Hafner
(just to name a few).

“The Importance of Flattery”
by The School of Life
Note to self: Give more compliments.
Turns out we rely on other people’s
belief in us to grow and develop, so
the more you acknowledge someone’s
“desirable qualities” and feats, the
more likely they are to keep it up.

Eat, Move and Live Better
by Precision Nutrition
Subscribe to this podcast for expert
hacks on how to eat and move for
a better life. From meal prepping
to beating jet lag, they’ve got you
covered not matter what the sitch.

Free download pdf