Pets Australia Issue 70 August 2017

(Michael S) #1
My name is Mia and I’m 10 years old. I started
reading PETS magazines four years ago and
I love reading them!
I have two adorable cats called Stripes
and Daisy. They are both mixed breeds and
we adopted them from Cat Haven. When
I found Daisy, she was shy and fl uff y, and
Stripes had eyes too big for her head. We
think Daisy has a bit of Persian in her because
of her long, elegant coat and we also think
she is part Ragdoll because of her kind and
patient behaviour. We think Stripes is mostly
tabby because of her coat.
For ages, Stripes had been determined to get
outside, and the one time she managed was the
last time she tried. I was on the couch, knitting
a blanket when I heard a meow and some
scratching. I looked around and realised that
Stripes was outside, but luckily so was my mum,

who opened the door to let her back inside.
These are some photos of Stripes and Daisy.
From Mia, via email

Ed: Wow, Mia, it seems like you got to Stripes
in the nick of time! Your cats are just gorgeous
and it sounds like you love them very much.
We’re so pleased you rescued them — they
have such a good life now because of the love
and care you have given them. Thanks so
much for writing in and sharing this gorgeous
photo with us.

Letters | PETS August^11

Hi, I’m Mackenzie and I have recently
got a new puppy called Leo! He
is amazing, adorable and paw-
tastic! When we fi rst got Leo, he
sat in a basket in the back of the
car. I sat next to him. At fi rst, he was
whimpering a lot so I tried to calm
him down. It worked. Afterwards,
he lay down and started to sleep.
However, when a certain song came
on (“Greatest” by Sia) his bottom
started shaking! It was hilarious.
From Mackenzie, via email

Ed: Mackenzie, thank you so much for
sharing your story and the beautiful
photo of Leo with us. He sure is adorable

— and how cute that he likes to have a bit of
a dance to Sia! We do, too! We hope you enjoy
your gorgeous new pet.



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