Pets Australia Issue 70 August 2017

(Michael S) #1

PETS | My pet

12 August

Jasmine’s Chubby and Bluebell are two
cheeky Shetland ponies who are “like two
peas in a pod,” according to Jasmine.

Esther’s Mini Lop Smoosh is cuddly and
loves giving kissy-licks and head bops
as signs of her aff ection.

Mowgli is the start of
addiction, and she hasn’t looked back! Karen’s Chihuahua
We can see why. What a cutie!

Jazzy’s guinea pig Twinkletoes is a
Satin. “She’s really social and loves
food and cuddles,” Jazzy says.

Claud’s Koda loves spending time in the sun.

MY pet

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