Pets Australia Issue 70 August 2017

(Michael S) #1

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22 August

PETS | News

Vet TV is coming soon! The
Australian Veterinary Association
(AVA) and Association Media
have teamed up to produce an
online news program about the
Aussie veterinary industry. This
program will form part of a huge
campaign designed to engage
with AVA members, industry
leaders, organisations, writers,
bloggers and journalists who want
to be kept abreast of the latest
developments in the industry.
Graham Catt, CEO of the AVA, says,
“We’re very pleased to be working
with Associated Media on this project. It’s
a great opportunity for the AVA to give the
broader veterinary community a closer
look at the profession, and highlight the
many important roles that vets play from
treating pets to managing biosecurity

threats. Vets are responsible for the health
and welfare of Australian animals, which is
an enormous responsibility, and Vet TV is a
great way to provide some insight into this
incredible profession.”
Vet TV was launched at the AVA Annual
Conference in Melbourne in June. You can
fi nd out more by visiting



The cooler weather is defi nitely still here,
and it can make the skin of your pet dry.
Also, during the colder months, owners
can sometimes feel less comfortable giving
pets a bath because they don’t want them
shivering from cold, and that’s why PETS
loves the Dr Zoo Winter Warriors Pack.
The pack contains Ruff to Fluff Natural Dry
Shampoo, designed to quickly freshen your
pet without the major ordeal a wet bath can
sometimes become, and the Crusty Nose
Itchy Toes Balm, designed to moisturise
and protect dry, cracked noses and dry,
itchy paws. Both are made with natural
and nourishing ingredients.
For more information, visit

Photo: didesign/BigStPhoto: didesign/

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