Pets Australia Issue 70 August 2017

(Michael S) #1


PETS | Health and wellbeing

“The same sorts of benefi ts apply to
training any pet. It helps your pet understand
what behaviours you want it to do, which, in
turn, makes it so much easier for owners and
pets to live together,” Caedmon says.
Dr Jo Righetti, animal behaviourist and
host of radio show Talking Pets every
Thursday night on 2UE Talking Lifestyle, says
mental stimulation is essential for a cat’s
mental and physical health. Without it,
cats can suff er from stress and boredom.
By using some of the cleverly designed
cat toys available, plus allowing your kitty’s
playtime to replicate hunting and feline play
behaviour, you can give your kitty a chance
to fulfi l her natural behaviour drives. Giving
your cat a safe place to retreat to is also
important, as is giving her somewhere she
can look down on the world from up high.

“Cats need places where they can climb up high
and look down on us. The more high places, the
better,” Dr Jo says. “Let them look outside. Let them
look at your guests or the dog from a safe height.”

When you take on the important responsibility
of owning a pet, it’s up to you to ensure you look
after every aspect of your furry friend’s health.
One of the most crucial jobs you’ll need to stay
on top of all year-round is parasite prevention.
“You need to protect against external parasites
(fl eas, ticks) and internal parasites (intestinal worms,
tapeworms),” Dr James says. “Ticks can be deadly
for cats and dogs, fl eas can be too, in extreme
circumstances (fl ea bite anaemia). Intestinal parasites
are usually not deadly but can cause signifi cant
gastrointestinal upset and other diseases.”
Your vet will be able to off er advice on the
best way to protect your pet against parasites,
which brings us to another simple but critical
thing you can do to help your pet live to a ripe


Physical exercise will help your pet stay fi ghting fi t.

Better birdsBetter birds
If you follow a few simple care tips,
your pet bird can also benefi t with
a lengthy and fulfi lling life:

-^ The right diet is essential, so ask your
vet for advice on what to feed your
bird, how much to feed and when

  • A clean cage ensures a healthy
    bird, so stay on top of cleaning
    your pet’s cage and food and
    water dishes at all times

  • Giving your bird a chance to
    spread her wings is great exercise
    for body and mind

  • Toys and accessories provide
    much-needed mental stimulation
    and prevent boredom
    -^ Companionship is hugely important
    for every bird. This doesn’t just mean
    spending time with you but also
    giving your pet another feathered
    friend to share his life with

  • Regular check-ups with an avian
    vet will help you get on top of any
    health problems as soon as possible

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