Pets Australia Issue 70 August 2017

(Michael S) #1



To PETS and Dr Jo, I would like a pet
but I cannot have a cat or a dog because
my dad is really allergic to them (he grew up
with three dogs and eight cats!).
We have a normal-sized house but a small
rear yard that has no grass, so we can’t have
anything that needs grass or room to run.
I would like something furry and cuddly
that can be kept in my room (which is small).
I would prefer something that doesn’t need a
cage, but I guess that would be hard to do for
an inside pet. I also would like something that

is quiet and calm and doesn’t
go crazy. I don’t think we can
keep birds because there are a
lot of neighbourhood cats that
would stalk them, and Dad is
not too keen on them (he had
a Cockatiel and Budgies, too).
So could you please help me
fi nd the perfect pet that suits
me and my house? Many thanks.
From, Julia
(P.S. I like your magazine.)


Hi Julia, it certainly is a hard
one if your parents are not
keen. There are actually cats with
minimal fur such as the Sphynx or Rex breeds that
don’t cause nearly as much allergenic problems
as fully furred cats and dogs. Cats are generally
very clean, loving and need minimal space.
If your dad is still very against cats, perhaps a
mouse or rat would be an idea. Lots of people
use a cage but you can also convert a chest of
drawers into a home for it — rats really love a
good maze to play in. Another pet you can keep
in your room (though not very cuddly) is a fi sh,
turtle or an axolotl. You can design a very funky
tank and set up an underwater home. Hopefully
these suggestions give you some more ideas to
consider and discuss with your dad. Good luck.

The Sphynx is a low-allergenic breed of cat — and cute as a button, too!

For more information
au/FurKids or visit
Dr Jo’s clinic at Shop
11/2 Sheppards Drive,
Greenbank Qld.


PETS | Health and Wellbeing

Photos: Kaz Dalton, Elena Boronina/BigSt, otsphoto/



Fur Kids’
Dr Jo




d Wellbeing




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