Pets Australia Issue 70 August 2017

(Michael S) #1


PETS | Creature feature


Photo: Marina Jay/

20 years and established Karmic Aviaries in 1984.
Mick sadly passed away in November 2015, but
Karin’s love for these beautiful birds continues.
“As a companion bird, hand-reared Alexandrines
make an absolutely adorable pet. They are far
more aff ectionate than a Ringneck,” Karin says.
“They are very adept at learning words as well
as mimicking sounds, for example telephones,
answering machines and microwave ovens.”
Karin shares stories of a male Alexandrine she
bred that learned a long list of phrases and could
speak in three languages, and of an Alexandrine
in Sydney that raised the alarm and saved its
owners from a house fi re roughly 10 years ago.
“They are quite clever, I believe as clever as an
African Grey, when correctly trained,” she says.
Dail Malins, CEO of Queensland’s Parrots in
Paradise sanctuary, is another woman with
a passion for all things Alexandrine. Having
owned and hand-reared Alexandrines since
1994, and many other breeds prior to that, Dail
nominates the breed’s gentle nature as its most
lovable characteristic. “Of all the birds I have
had to work with over the last 49 years, the
Alexandrine is the most steady and one of the

If you’re looking for an intelligent and lovable
bird for your family, the Alexandrine Parakeet
might just be your perfect feathered friend.
With a history that dates back to the time of
Alexander the Great, Alexandrines are known for
their gorgeous green plumage, their talkative
nature and their endearing personalities.
“I love their aff ectionate personality, the way
they can adapt to your needs and give you many
hours of joy and fulfi lment,” Karin Blake from
Karmic Aviaries says. Karin and her husband,
Mick, have hand-raised Alexandrines for almost

The gentle,

aff ectionate and
talkative Alexandrine
is a parrot with
plenty of personality.
Tim Falk reports.

The Alexandrine
Parakeet is one
gorgeous bird.


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