viii Acknowledgements
dation project “Patterns of Argumentation and Rhetorical Devices in
the Legal and Theological Works of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya” for her
tremendous help in thoroughly reviewing the contributions as well as
formatting and editing the final version. Arts and Humanities and the
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at the Ohio State
University generously provided funding and a publication subvention,
for which we are very grateful.
Finally, we greatly appreciate the friendly and professional handling
by the publisher Walter de Gruyter, and especially the input and feed-
back of Dr. Gertrud Grünkorn, Editorial Director Humanities, for
accepting the volume in the series “Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur
des islamischen Orients”.
Birgit Krawietz, Berlin, & Georges Tamer, Columbus, May 2012
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