all that, the social media thing, but I don’t carry a cellphone. I have
a laptop to watch movies on, that’s all I know how to do. And the
other day I said, “Somebody show me how to Google something.”
And I was like five years old! I’m going, “Wow, this is pretty neat!”
The last time I was mistaken for someone else
I’m flying from LA to New
York, first class seat, and there’s
a guy sitting next to me. And I
talk to him for five hours, just
about everything. And I’ve got
this little Puerto Rican hat on,
and my hair’s tied back and
we’re talking, and finally we
land and I say, “Really nice to
meet you” and he goes, “I’m not
one of those guys, but can I get
your autograph, Mr Pacino?”
The guy thought I was Al Paci-
no for five hours!
The last time someone sang my
lyrics back at me
In a department store. You
know how they have these hang-
ing racks? I walked past one and
all of a sudden it opens up and
this guy shouts, “School’s out for
summer!” And I jumped back
about four feet. What did I do?
At first you have the notion of
hitting him, but after that you
jump back and go, that guy ac-
tually planned that! He took the
time to get inside all those coats
and was hoping that I would
walk by so he could jump out.
So the idea that he took all that
trouble, I went, oh, ok!
The last thing I do before going
Every lead singer has a dif-
ferent idiosyncracy. I know
Roger Daltrey [the Who] prac-
tices fly fishing. Peter Framp-
ton irons clothes on an ironing
board. I throw knives. I’ve be-
come a ninja with knife throw-
ing. I could put about 20 knives
in an area about the size of a
grapefruit. I throw knives and I hit the door and I’m on the stage.
The last time I was frightened
I watch these Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures shows, and
we live in this big house in Arizona. Everybody goes to sleep, and
I’m up in the TV room, which is like a movie theatre room, at
dark house all the way back to my bedroom. And at that point in
the night, you’re just tired enough where every little noise sounds
like something unexplainable. I become seven years old! ROD YATES
The last nightmare I had
I’ve had tidal wave dreams before, and they’re not fun. I had
one just the other night. I was on the shore and waves are break-
ing, and all of a sudden I saw this wave coming that was the size
of the Empire State Building and it kept getting bigger. And it was
inevitable that it was going to hit,
and of course you wake up right be-
fore it hits. Psychologists say that
usually means there’s a problem in
your life, or something that’s over-
whelming you, and I can’t think of
what that would be right now.
The last time someone called me
The only person that calls me
Vincent is Keith Richards. He
never calls me Alice. [Last time]
he said [impersonates Richards],
“Vinnie, when was the last time you
had a drink?” And I said, “I don’t
know, 25 years ago.” And he said,
“Begs the question, why?” And he
stumbles off, and I went, “Ladies
and gentlemen, Jack Sparrow!”
The last time someone stopped me
and said, “We’re not worthy”
When I’m on the road, if I’m in
an airport, I’m not kidding you,
three to four times a day. And I try
to make it look like, “Oh my gosh,
nobody’s ever done that before,
how clever of you!” And yet it hap-
pens at least three or four times.
The last time I was injured onstage
The most classic one was, I used
to stick this sword in the stage and
walk away and it would be stuck
there. And [one night] instead
of sticking it in the stage it went
right through my thigh. The au-
dience thought it was a great illu-
sion. The band knew that it was in
my thigh, and it’s literally squirt-
ing little bits of blood out while I’m
walking around. And at the time
there’s so much adrenaline on-
stage that I went, well, it’s already
in, and it doesn’t hurt that bad, so
at least make it part of the show. Finally I pull it out and stick it in
the ground and continue the show. When the curtain comes down,
the adrenaline has gone and I go, “Aaarrrgghh! [Laughs] It hurts!”
The last time I did something for the first time
I am totally illiterate when it comes to anything computers. I’ve
gone out of my way not to have a cellphone. I have people that do
“I’ve become a ninja with knife
throwing. I could put about 20 in an
area the size of a grapefruit.”
Alice Cooper’s new album, Paranormal, is out now. His
Australian tour commences on October 16th.
90 | Rolling Stone | September, 2017
Alice Cooper
The king of shock rock on what scares him, sticking a
sword in his thigh, and learning how to Google