Do your teammates
give you stick
about getting
a dad bod now?
Yes, a few of the
younger players
like to comment
‘dad bod’ when
jumping in the
showers. However
we all know that
it’s just a myth.
Is there a stigma
attached to
dad bods that
is unfair?
Yes as I mentioned,
I think it’s a tag line
and there’s not
much truth to it.
Anyone given you
parental advice?
A million friends,
dads, team mates
and random
strangers have
given me parental
advice. However,
I believe you find
your own way.
How has your daily
routine changed
now that you’re
a father?
At the moment
not a lot. It means
I get in the bath
at the same time
every night with
my daughter and
maybe I don’t
need my alarm
clock anymore
but we have an
amazing little baby
girl who loves
being outdoors.
The hardest thing
about becoming
a dad?
I guess the early
months are
extremely hard
with less sleep and
the fact you have
a little baby totally
dependant on you
now. Otherwise it
has been the most
enjoyable ride of
my life.
What has had to
budge in order
to properly play
out your role as
a father?
I guess you could
say my golf game
has taken a bit of
a back seat.
What tips do you
have for regular
dads who don’t
have fitness and
exercise ingrained
into their day job?
I think it’s
important, as
new parents,
that you find
time to do things
for yourselves.
If you’re lucky
enough to have
family close by,
take the help
and keep up
your training.
Or, you and your
partner create
the opportunities
for each other to
do ‘normal’ every
day activities.
5 6
Another non-sportsmAnother non-sportsman an
creeping into contention, creeping into contention,
but this is how our children but this is how our children
will be playing sport in the will be playing sport in the
future (In virtual reality). future (In virtual reality).
Like father, like son. Now Like father, like son. Now
with newborn twins too, we’ll with newborn twins too, we’ll
see if the Portuguese soccer see if the Portuguese soccer
star can still keep up his star can still keep up his
six-pack. Wsix-pack. We’re sure he can.e’re sure he can. - ROGER FEDERER
WWith four children, it’s ith four children, it’s
anyone’s guess how manyone’s guess how many any
timtimes Federer has, and will, es Federer has, and will,
be playing catch these be playing catch these
days. This is a slightly days. This is a slightly
mmore extremore extreme version.e version. - CHRIS PRATT
Not a sports star, though Not a sports star, though
he’d let us believe he was he’d let us believe he was
once a fine Amonce a fine American erican
Football player. That said, is Football player. That said, is
fishing really responsible for fishing really responsible for
his body transformhis body transformation?ation? - CONOR MCGREGOR
The UFC fighter seemThe UFC fighter seems to s to
like lifting his son in place of like lifting his son in place of
a duma dumbbell. Note to Conor, bbell. Note to Conor,
he’ll only get heavier. How he’ll only get heavier. How
long do you think he can long do you think he can
keep this up, hey Floyd?keep this up, hey Floyd? - JONATHAN THURSTON
The NRL legend with The NRL legend with
his No.1 fans, showing his No.1 fans, showing
how mhow much post-much post-match atch
priorities have changed. priorities have changed. - MICHAEL PHELPS
Training for the OlymTraining for the Olympics is pics is
gruelling, especially when it gruelling, especially when it
comcomes to running with weights es to running with weights
on your back. But it’s less so on your back. But it’s less so
when it’s your beloved baby.when it’s your beloved baby.
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