
(Ben Green) #1






Nokia. Making scales?
Yep, and wi-fi scales too, Yep, and wi-fi scales too,
going against all going against all
old-school notions of old-school notions of
Nokia phones being good Nokia phones being good
for nothing but texts, for nothing but texts,
calls and calls and SSnnaakkee. Alas, this. Alas, this
is 2017 where weigh-ins is 2017 where weigh-ins
appear on your Nokia appear on your Nokia
smsmartphone in the Health artphone in the Health
MMate™ate™ app. Then there’s app. Then there’s
the Patented Position the Patented Position
Control™Control™ technology that technology that
delivers accurate body delivers accurate body
comcomposition readings .position readings.
$179.95; HARVEY $179.95; HARVEY


Australia hosts its third
ever UCI Mever UCI MTB WTB World orld
ChamChampionships pionships
(m(mountain bike racing ountain bike racing
for anyone not good for anyone not good
with sporting with sporting
acronymacronyms), with both s), with both
cross-country and cross-country and
downhill disciplines downhill disciplines
taking place at taking place at
SmSmithfield Forest, just ithfield Forest, just
north of Cairns. The north of Cairns. The
crazier, mcrazier, more daring ore daring
version of cycling, it’s version of cycling, it’s
a darn sight ma darn sight more ore
exhilarating than a lot exhilarating than a lot
of live sport and the of live sport and the
rules are fairly self rules are fairly self
explanatory. Wexplanatory. We’re e’re
already hooked. already hooked.


Spring has sprung, and
coupled with the US Open, coupled with the US Open,
tennis’ last Grand Slamtennis’ last Grand Slam of of
the year, now’s the timthe year, now’s the time e
to get yourself out on to get yourself out on
court to wind up that court to wind up that
secret weapon of yours secret weapon of yours
in timin time for the sume for the summmer er
season. Seeing as shiny season. Seeing as shiny
new things help in the new things help in the
mmotivation stakes, the otivation stakes, the
latest Babolat ‘Boost Aero’ latest Babolat ‘Boost Aero’
racket will imracket will improve your prove your
gamgame (me (maybe) and maybe) and make ake
you look the part, too. you look the part, too.
$169.99; $169.99;


After a recent
resurgence in the US, resurgence in the US,
the VersaClimthe VersaClimber is ber is
mmaking its presence felt aking its presence felt
across macross many Australian any Australian
gymgyms. Ws. What to know – hat to know –
it’s claimit’s claimed to jack heart ed to jack heart
rates  and burn mrates  and burn more ore
fat than hitting the fat than hitting the
treadmtreadmill, it’s actually ill, it’s actually
been around since the been around since the
early ’80s, and it’s a firmearly ’80s, and it’s a firm
favourite of Hugh favourite of Hugh
JackmJackman and LeBron an and LeBron
JamJames. Get climes. Get climbing. bing.


Anyone who still uses their
school sports bag to lug school sports bag to lug
gymgym kit around, sorry, but kit around, sorry, but
it’s no longer cute, or, it’s no longer cute, or,
acceptable. Especially acceptable. Especially
when fine specimwhen fine specimens like ens like
this Lacoste ‘Concept’ this Lacoste ‘Concept’
backpack are kicking backpack are kicking
around and raring to go. around and raring to go.
Available in black, green, Available in black, green,
navy or grey, and with navy or grey, and with
a separate front pouch for a separate front pouch for
all your valuables, we all all your valuables, we all
need at least one croc need at least one croc
in our locker, so let in our locker, so let
this be yours. this be yours.

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