
(Rick Simeone) #1

(^66) • SEPTEMBER 2017
Give Your Thyroid Some TLC
Improve thyroid function by eating more of these seven foods /// BY LISA TURNER
Is your thyroid gland making you fat, sad, and tired? It’s possible. An estimated 10 million
to 25 million people suff er from underactive thyroid—a condition called hypothyroidism.
And some studies show even mild thyroid impairment can result in cognitive impairment.
The thyroid is a small, butterfl y-shaped gland at the base of the neck; its job is to
make hormones that regulate energy, metabolism, mood, heart rate, and other important
functions. But when it’s out of whack, symptoms can include weight gain, fatigue, dry skin,
sluggish thinking, and even depression.
If you suspect your thyroid’s not functioning properly, check with your health care
provider. And support your thyroid—and overall health—with these seven foods.
cause of thyroid disorders. Brazil nuts
are an especially rich food source of
selenium; other sources include tuna,
sardines, beef, turkey, and chicken.
Try this: Combine Brazil nuts, olive oil,
garlic, and a handful of arugula and basil
in a food processor, and process into a
savory pesto. Soak Brazil nuts overnight
in water, then drain and purée with fresh
water, a couple of dates, and a dash of
vanilla for a delicious milk alternative.
For a rich, dairy-free soup, cut sweet
potatoes and onions into chunks and
simmer in stock with a sprig of rosemary
until soft; remove and discard rosemary;
add Brazil nuts and purée until creamy
and smooth.
›Apples. Like
pears, plums, and
citrus fruits, apples
are rich in pectins, a
gelatinous fiber that
helps clear the body
of heavy metals, especially mercury,
which has been associated with lower
levels of thyroid hormone in those
people with higher exposure.
Try this: Cut apples crosswise (don’t
peel them—the skin is the richest source
of pectin!), dredge in brown sugar, then
pan-fry in coconut oil until tender; top
with shredded basil and crumbled blue
cheese. Spiralize a whole apple with skin,
lightly steam in apple juice until tender,
and serve with yogurt, hemp seeds, and
blueberries as a breakfast noodle bowl.
Simmer chopped apples, parsnips, shallots,
and sprigs of thyme in broth until tender;
remove thyme sprigs and purée until
smooth; top with additional thyme and a
dollop of crème fraîche.
œPumpkin seeds.
Zinc is critical to
thyroid health and
is required for the
synthesis of thyroid
hormones. In fact,
deficiencies of this mineral can lead
to hypothyroidism. (Additionally,
thyroid hormones are essential for zinc
absorption, so hypothyroidism can lead
to zinc deficiency.) Pumpkin seeds are a
rich source of zinc; other good sources
include oysters, crab, lobster, legumes,
nuts, and sunflower seeds.
Try this: Purée raw pumpkin seeds with
avocado chunks, cilantro, and a squeeze
of lime for a creamy twist on guacamole.
Combine pumpkin seeds, canned black
beans, shredded carrots, and instant oats
in a food processor; pulse until finely
chopped and form into burgers; fry
until crispy on the outside and cooked
through. Or toss pumpkin seeds with
melted butter or coconut oil, honey,
cinnamon, and cardamom, and toast in
the oven at 300°F until browned.

Yog u r t is rich
in vitamin D, a
key hormone-like
substance that’s
involved in immune
system regulation.
Vitamin D deficiencies are associated
with increased risk of Hashimoto's disease,
an autoimmune condition that’s the most
common cause of hypothyroidism.
Other good sources of D include fortified
orange juice, dairy-free milks, sardines,
and sunshine.

The thyroid
requires iodine, a
trace mineral, to
synthesize suffi cient
amounts of thyroid
hormone, and studies show that even
mild iodine defi ciencies can lead to
thyroid problems. Other than iodized
salt, the richest source of natural iodine
is seaweed, with kelp, kombu, and
wakame having the highest amounts.
Try this: Soak wakame seaweed in hot
water for 20 minutes, then drain and
combine with rice vinegar, sesame oil,
grated ginger, honey, or agave, and thinly
sliced scallions for an easy seaweed
salad. Brush sheets of nori with olive oil;
sprinkle with a mix of brown sugar, salt,
smoked paprika, and cayenne; and pan
fry for 15 seconds. After allowing this
to cool, cut into triangles. Soak hijiki
seaweed in hot water for 10 minutes;
drain and toss with a mixture of minced
red onion, shredded carrots, cooked
quinoa, and green peas; drizzle with a
dressing of white miso, black sesame
seeds, sesame oil, and garlic.

šBrazil nuts.
The thyroid
has the highest
selenium content
of any organ, and
studies suggest that
selenium deficiencies may be a primary

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