
(Dana P.) #1

sex & relationships

Just like Goldilocks,

we’ve found the perfect

medium: this relationship

sweetspot that’s more

than a one-night stand,

but not enough to hold

a good (bad) girl down

easily to the distractions in life that
make it hard to establish a meaningful
relationship with someone. But we’re
also a generation that’s looking for
something more meaningful than the
‘wham bam thank­you ma’am’ situation
that seems to be the sexual norm.
You see, the problem with one­
night stands (or so I’ve been told, mum
and dad) is they’re quite an impersonal
thing for an act that is pretty damn
personal. It’s all fumbling and zero
manners and seldom the option of
round two, let alone a phone number.
For a generation of women who want
more control over their sexual destiny,
the one­night stand isn’t really ticking
the, er, box anymore. (For some it is,
and more power to you.)
With the SNS, you’ve got a chance
to get to know what the other person
likes between the sheets, build more
confidence in voicing your fantasies
and learn a little more about their life.
Potentially even their last name. I mean,
we’re not monsters.

The upside
Regarding this abundance of sexual
options, sex therapist Jacqueline Hellyer
( says the rise
in casual relationships comes down to
the fact it’s easier to find people to hook
up with, and it’s become much more
socially acceptable to do so. But just
because something is easy to find, that
doesn’t mean it’s any good.
‘The more intimate time you spend
with someone, the more the bonding
hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin,
are released, as well as the feel­good
hormones, such as endorphins,’ she says.
‘So the closer you feel to the person,
the happier you feel.’
Which is why we’re all vibing the
SNS. It means you’ve giving those feel­
good hormones more of a chance to
blossom. But while it’s got its upsides

  • minimum commitment, maximum
    fun – when deployed incorrectly it runs
    the risk of blurring the lines of dating.

Often women will fall into a casual
relationship because the guy they’re
into isn’t up for ‘anything serious’. So
if you’re keen on establishing an SNS
for yourself, there’s a lot to be mindful
of. For starters, it’s in our chemical
make­up to form a connection to the
person we’re banging, which is hard
to avoid when the banging becomes a
semi­constant. Another big problem,
says Hellyer, is using an SNS to distract
you from establishing something that
could potentially last.
‘It’s easy to find fault with partners
and move on to the next one, rather
than accepting difference and learning
to co­create a meaningful relationship
with another person,’ says Hellyer. ‘If
you only have casual relationships, you
never develop the skills to create a
satisfying long­term relationship.’
But if you know what you want and
that isn’t a long­term relationship –
perhaps you just got out of something
serious, you’re about to travel, or you
simply don’t have the time to commit
as you spend 18 hours a day curing
cancer – then the SNS is a godsend.
‘As long as you see them for what they
are, and not as a substitute for real
connection,’ says Hellyer.
Now go forth and have your cake
and eat it, too. Next issue we’ll work
on the abs X mimosas quandary. #

THE OLD EL PASO porque no los
dos? girl has a lot to answer for. ‘Why
don’t we have both’ has become the
catchcry of the Gen Y set. We want
to travel but have a career, buy a house
but have avocado toast, look like Kayla
Itsines but also live on mimosas. We’ve
been looking for the secret ingredient
to personal life balance – and we just
may have found it.
Introducing... the Several Night
Stand (or SNS)! Also known as the
answer to the question, ‘How can I
avoid the shitness of the one­night
stand while still having some pretty
awesome casual S­E­X?’
For those of us who are averse to
something serious at the moment, some
of us are still keen on something that
mimics an actual relationship – without
the admin. When we’re talking about
‘having it all’, we’re not referring to
life. Well, we are, but our sex life.
The SNS is a handy state of play
given to the act of spreading (wrong
choice of word?) a ‘one­night stand’
out over a few nights. Several nights,
if you will. It stops short of anything
that can be considered dating. It’s like
friends with benefits, but they’re not
your friend. What a time to be alive.

Just what is it?
The SNS is the MVP of ‘getting to
know someone’, without having to
meet friends or parents or discover
that weird superstition they have about
traffic lights. It’s the sweetspot for a
generation that seems to succumb more


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