FranchiseCanada SeptemberOctober 2017

(Tuis.) #1
FranchiseCanada September | October 2017 63

  1. Preparation begins at home.

  • Pre-register to save time when you arrive, and to take
    advantage of any special deals you receive when sign-
    ing up in advance.

  • Visit the tradeshow’s website and go through the
    list of confirmed exhibitors. Create a “must-visit” list
    of brands, and make note of specific questions you
    want to ask.

  • Research industries that interest you – What are you
    passionate about? What is the average investment
    level? What kinds of skills and qualities do most fran-
    chises in this industry look for in franchisees?

  • Learn more about the market in which you would likely
    operate your franchise. What are the demographics?
    What businesses would be your competitors? If your
    market was unavailable, would you be willing to con-
    sider another neighbourhood, town, area, etc.?

  1. Only bring the essentials.

  • Bring along a sturdy bag to hold the printed informa-
    tion – brochures, fact sheets, business cards, etc. –
    that you collect throughout the day.

  • Consider leaving your children at home with a friend,
    relative or babysitter. As cute as they are, you need
    to be able to focus solely on the conversations you’re
    having with exhibitors.

    • Enlist your spouse or partner to join you, along with
      anyone else who will be investing or working in the
      franchise with you. It’s a big decision, so it’s good to
      get everyone involved in the process.

     3. Keep an open mind.
    - Though you may attend the show with a few industries
    or specific franchises in mind, tradeshows are a great
    way to be exposed to brands or opportunities you
    might not have previously considered. As you’re mov-
    ing around the show floor, watch for any booths that
    catch your eye, and be sure to explore them further.
    4. Step right up.
    - Franchise tradeshows should be a pressure-free way
    to explore the opportunities available. So, don’t be
    shy – step right up to the booth and start asking ques-
    tions. Everyone is there to provide more information
    on their franchise system, and is prepared to answer
    your queries.
    5. Take note.
    - You’re likely going to spend a few hours at the trade-
    show, having numerous conversations with represen-
    tatives from multiple companies. After the show, it
    may seem like a bit of a blur, so it can help to jot down




How to make the most of your next visit

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