
(sharon) #1



From Sukhasana (easy crossed legs), extend your legs straight out in front
of you into Dandasana. As you inhale, sweep your arms above your head
and exhale as you begin to fold forward from your hip creases. Reach
toward the outer edges of your feet (using a strap if you need to) and take
one more breath in as you lengthen your spine. On the exhale, allow
yourself to surrender forward, flexing the feet and drawing the pinky toe
side of your foot toward your face. Keep your legs active as you draw your
heart forward and elongate the spine. Hold for at least 10 breaths, allowing
10 this pose to provide a healing touch to the abdominal organs.

october 2017



AS WE MOVE into spring, our energy levels shift.
After the stillness of winter, the days begin to
lengthen, and you may notice yourself feeling more
motivated as you spend time being rejuvenated by
nature. Some days we may become stagnant as the
challenge to rise to the new season feels tiresome.
We might find ourselves reluctant to emerge from
our cocoon. This internal energy is reflected in the
season itself — as spring delivers perfect blue skies
as well as chilly, gloomy days. Try these three yoga
poses to restore yourself physically and energetically,
honouring the restorative nature of winter, while
embracing the newness of spring. The inclusion of
both yang and yin, strong and supple postures will
help to cultivate balance as you enter spring. The
focus is on massaging the digestive system, while
creating space for reflection. Allow your yoga to
honour both the energy of nature and your own
energy levels as you move through these poses at
your own pace.

Begin in Child’s Pose. From kneeling, bring your big
toes together and your knees together or wide, then
fold forward from the hip creases, resting your
torso over your thighs (or between your legs).
Have your arms extended out in front of you
or down by your sides. Close your eyes and
breathe into your lower belly and back of
the heart. Set an intention as you enter this
new season. What are you bringing back
to life? How would you like to welcome
the light back in? Stay for at least 10 breaths.

Try this simple sequence as you emerge from the chilly,
brisk days of winter. Allow your energy to shift and
listen to your own intentions as you prepare to
embrace the sprightly, inspirational mood of spring.

Into the LIGHT



From Child’s Pose, come onto all fours, cross your ankles behind you and
roll onto your sitting bones. From seated, you can use a blanket to support
your hips if you find that your lower back is rounding. With the right shin
in front, place your left hand behind your sacrum and lengthen your spine.
Place your right hand onto your left knee as you roll your shoulders back
and down. As you inhale, life and lengthen, and exhale to deepen into the
twist, looking out over your left shoulder. Imagine wringing out any toxins
that have accumulated over winter, and visualise your internal organs
becoming rejuvenated. Stay for five
to 10 breaths then switch sides.
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