
(sharon) #1



strength the winter season brings us
each year!
With the increase of the earth and
ether elements, (kapha) over the last
few months, you may have noticed
yourself going within, doing slightly less
out in the world, and being attracted to
foods and activities that were more
grounding and building in nature, such
as eating more root vegetables, grains,
breads and creamy sweet treats. On a
lifestyle level, you may have stayed
indoors a little more, enjoyed sleeping
in or cosying up with your favourite
This is the influence of winter’s
earthy qualities and it is a super-
nourishing and vital seasonal phase that
we journey through each year. Winters’
womb allows us to more naturally rest,
rebuild, reflect and be more ‘yin’. With
winter complete, it is now time to
prepare our bodies and minds for the
warmer months ahead. Spring in
Ayurveda is a time for new beginnings,
a fresh start. In nature, a tree sheds its
leaves in the autumn, hibernates in the
winter and then blossoms with new,

(^22) fresh life in the spring. Spring is a
october 2017
Welcome the change of season and lighten up with
these three simple Ayurvedic food and lifestyle tips
for healthy digestion, good immunity, and a positive
state of mind. By Lorien Waldron 
time to renew and it is one of the
most powerful times of the year to
cleanse, creating a fresh canvas for
the new you, including new food and
lifestyle habits.
As we emerge from the cocoon of
winter, we can give our body and mind
fresh space and time for renewal with
these simple and practical Ayurvedic
food and lifestyle tips:

  1. Wake up with intention
    Harmonise your body and mind with
    the seasonal change in the outside
    environment by waking up early. Move
    your body first thing: go for a brisk
    walk, perform some sun-salutes and
    balance your mind with meditation and
    pranayama practices. Waking up before
    6am, drinking some warm water,
    completing your Ayurvedic morning
    routine and getting your body moving
    will promote optimal detoxification
    through the bowels, improved
    metabolism and will strengthen your
    digestive fire (agni), helping to boost
    your immunity and make you feel a lot
    lighter in body and mind. For Ayurvedic
    inspiration on morning rituals, head
    2. Swap heavy foods for lighter
    more warming options
    Replace wheat and wheat products with
    lighter options such as quinoa (whole
    and flaked), buckwheat flour, millet,
    amaranth and/or brown or basmati rice.
    Opt for dairy-free milk, yoghurt and
    cheese alternatives, (or have a break from
    these more dense foods for a while), and
    go for light, warm, moist and hydrating
    fresh foods such as veggie soups, watery
    dhals, fresh veggie juices, fresh leafy
    greens with a light oil dressing and
    extra-fresh lemon squeezed on your
    meals to help in the breakdown of any
    heavy, oily, sludgy build-up that may
    have accumulated during winter’s intake.
    Avoid processed foods, processed sugars,
    and dense deep-fried oily heavy foods.
    For more Ayurvedic tips on eating
    seasonally, continue to page 44.
    3. Do a mono fast
    Simplifying the food we eat is one of
    the best ways to give the body a rest and
    promote detoxification, repair and
    lightness in body and mind. For three
    to five days, simplify the food you eat.
    Remove all processed foods including
    wheat, bread, pasta, dairy and sugars.
    Instead, focus on eating fresh, alive and
    moist foods to give your digestive system
    a rest and re-hydrate your organs. Enjoy
    fresh soups, vegetable juices, ginger tea
    during the day, herbal teas, steamed
    veggies and, when you feel like
    something more grounding, quinoa or
    plain brown rice. (Note: if mono fasting
    or spring cleansing is new to you, it is
    worth approaching this protocol with
    the guidance of an experienced Ayurvedic
    Consultant or health practitioner who
    can support you.)

Spring is a magical time of year and
there’s no better time to love your body
and nurture it.Happy spring!

Lorien Waldron is an
Ayurvedic health
and lifestyle consultant who
works on physical and
energetic levels, believing
in a holistic approach to
health. She is a yoga and
cooking teacher with a passion for
organic wholefoods, plant-based
nutrition, digestive health and intuitive
eating. She is the founder of Wholesome
Loving Goodness and author of e-Book,
Simple Ayurveda in the Kitchen.
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